Browsing at the time I began this article, I found a great post from Gnomestew on starting your next campaign with a wedding. And I thought: that would be a great way to start a Ptolus campaign that includes political intrigue. So we come to this post. It has been several months since I started the campaign, but I offer it up to you as an example of applying a highly structured campaign technique—having a social event.
First I wanted to establish connections and stakes. So players were basked to either come up with their own reason for knowing about or being involved with the event.
d8 Reasons Your Character is at the Wedding
1 They are a distant relative of the bride or groom
2 They are a former love interest of the bride or groom
3 You fought in the wars on the continent with someone invited to the wedding
4 You have long been fascinated by the upper crust and finally finagled your way into a noble wedding
5 You are impersonating a minor noble
6 You are a cleric officiating the ceremony
7 You have helped transport and guard an extravagant gift on a long journey to the event
8 You have been hired to assist with the logistics and service of the ceremony
Party Planning
To plan the event for the session I’ll be using the following directions from Justin Alexander:
1) Creating a location with multiple areas to congregate. 2) Make a list of characters attending. 3) Come up with some events for the event, and finally 4) create topics of conversation.
Location Design
I love this map from DysonLogos for a large estate with a ballroom, gardens, and nearby sitting rooms. (Note this map is not commercially licensed, but it’s available for personal use from DysonLogos’ blog—if you can please show Dyson some support on Patreon too!)
The opening social will happen as guests enter the house and check their coats, then move to the garden. The ceremony occurs in the rear gardens, then the party comes inside the ballroom, with hors d'oeuvres served, for the reception prior to the dinner. Some guests may linger in the garden, or even escape to the hedge maze for more private liaisons. The dinner is served on tables around the edges of the ballroom, and later on the first dance occurs. Throughout, a library just to the right of the ballroom provides a smoking room and socialization area with a piano that some guests may use too.
The property is located near the main Erthuo Estate on Three Princes Street.
Guest List
Valimar Thornborn: The count of Fardunfell, a county on the continent. He is the groom set to marry Avarilor Erthuo in the wedding ceremony. Valimar is a high elf, renowned more as a scholar than as a warrior. (Noble stat block).
Avarilor Erthuo: The bride of this event, Avarilor is a half elf, the daughter of Lord Galif Erthuo, and Lady Lithalin Erthuo. Galif is one of the titled members of House Erthuo, and the manor the event is occuring at belongs to him. (Noble stat block)
Lord Galif Erthuo: A half elf noble and scholar, Galif has little time or interest for politics, instead focusing on his own interest in the astronomical and astrological, along with their magical adjacent fields of study. Lady Lithalin is his wife. (Noble stat block)
Lady Lithalin Erthuo: An elf, Lady Lithalin is a poised beauty, and extremely intelligent. She is more interest in maintaining her family's social status than her studious husband. (Noble stat block)
Lady Peliope Erthuo: Head of House Erthuo. Galif is her nephew. Though she maintains the neutrality of her house, Peliope is engaged in a torrid long-term affair with Lord Renn Sadar. (Noble stat block)
Lady Enis Sadar: Wife of Lord Renn Sadar. Influencial in the Church for patronizing the Order of Dayra, supporting the poor and orphaned. (Aristocrat stat block)
Naephos Worldsea: Proxy of Lord Renn Sadar of house Sadar. Charismatic and well-mannered. Knows of the secret affair between Lord Renn and Peliope Erthuo. Male elf. (mage stat block)
Camren Khatru: Son and scion of the head of House Khatru. Camren is a soldier born and bred. He has lately returned from the continent, where he has fought in the civil war. It is rumored he was called back to be married and secure the future of the house. He is overconfident in his abilities and arrogant (knight stat block).
Raule Kath: A renowned singer and songwriter. He is directing the musicians playing for the wedding ceremony and the ball afterwards. He is a bit of a foppish young dandy, and gets quite familiar with people of all types when he's had a drink or two. Nephew of the head of House Kath. (Performer stat block)
Nicalon Regelis: Actually Navanna Vladaam, in this guise she appears to be a dark skinned human man. Nicalon Regelis is a member of the Knights of the Chord, an knighly order of bards associated with House Kath. Nicalon speaks out against the Vladaam to learn what enemies have to say. (Assassin stat block)
Kalbir Rau: Male human scion of House Rau. Maintains close ties to the Longfingers Guild and the Balacazar crime family. (Page 98 for stats).
Captain Nigel Blazehorn: A dwarf captain of the city guard, Nigel represents the comissar at the event, although he is a personal friend of House Erthuo. (City Watch Captain stat block, Tome of Beasts I).
Captain Pharis Noldstrom: Second in command to the Commissar over the Commissar's men. He and a small group are acting as bodyguards for the Commissar's daughters, Therese Urnst and Marie Urnst, who are attending the wedding. Noldstrom is taciturn and serious, but extremely focused on his duties. He has a dark secret in that during his him at the imperial academy under the influence of alcohol and drugs he murdered one of his instructors and covered it up. His career will be ruined if it comes to light. (Veteran Stat Block with Defenders)
Marie Urnst: the second of Commissar Urnst's daughters, Marie
Therese Urnst: The eldest of the Commissar's daughters,
Ms. Fraulia Hall: The head organizer for the event, managing the help and those doing logistics for the wedding. (Commoner Stats)
The program will follow the events above, but of course this is an adventure. A complication must ensue! Upon commencement of the event the GM rolls 1d4 + 1 to determine when during the program a group of Vai assassins will strike at the event.
1. Opening socialization
2. Ceremony
3. Reception & Receiving Line
4. Celebratory Dinner
5. First Dance
The Vai assassins will include one Assassin NPC, and two Cultists disguised as stewards. Their target is Camren Khatru.
Topics of Conversation
- Barbarians are said to be massing in the far East—perhaps they will devastate the fractured lands of the Empire or sack the capital again.
- Lord Zavere and Lady Rill are so insulting. They were invited as a courtesy but never responded, and did not deign to leave their “Castle Shard.” (Others may disagree, finding the pair magnanimous and kind).
- That madman, Helmut Itlestein, and his republican rabble are becoming more outspoken about Ptolus becoming a republic governed by the people. People say they plan to have a rally in front of the Administration Building in Oldtown.
- There is rumor that many delvers who go into the depths and operate out of Delver’s Square in Midtown are getting rich from their exploits. These people frequent the inns and businesses near Midtown for their equipment and lodging. They even have a guild.
- A number of nobles are wearing crimson Blood Hawk feathers on hats or pins. Anyone asked notes that it’s a new fashion that’s all the rage—you should get one! Send a servant to the market district and they'll surely find you one.
- Ratmen who live in the sewers are growing bolder or more desperate in their raids on the surface. The Holy Emperor has issued a bounty of three gold pieces per ratling tail turned in.
- The Tragedy of Narthius, the Wise Emperor, is opening next week in the Crown Theater. The Church has called for a boycott—so it must be good!
- Someone known only as Shilukar has broken into several homes in the Nobles’ Quarter and has stolen valuables of all types. Some say he has strange hyena men working with him.
- Sea-bound trade has suffered in recent months due to the predations of a group of pirates. It's said the leader is calling himself the Sea Lord and commands a fleet of three ships.
- The most extravagant gift has been bought by Lord Erthuo for his new son-in-law; a magic scriptorium, allowing one to shift between books very rapidly and scribe your thoughts by speaking. It is very large, and massively expensive. It was escorted overland all the way from Uquance, the City of Mages.
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