Monday, September 16, 2024

Mharoti Empire Campaign: Resources Index

In a recent Twitch stream, Mike Shea of Sly Flourish mentioned his plans to set his next campaign in Kobold Press’ Midgard setting in the Dragon Empire. I’ve been slowly combing the my Warlock and Worldbooks from Kobold Press, and I love his campaign concept so I figured I might as well throw together an index of material that would be helpful for such a campaign. Below is a list of relevant sources on the Dragon Empire and surrounding regions. In addition to the outstanding resources in Kobold Press’ Warlock Grimoires, definitely don’t sleep on the outstanding content from its blog—which regularly produces publication quality content and lore that you can access for free.

Dragon Empire

Warlock Grimoire 1

  • 10 Magnificent Sultans of the Mharoti Empire (pg. 33)
  • Into the Dragon Empire: Maria and the Islands (pg. 39)
  • Phosus: Dread Wyrm of the Falls (pg. 124)
  • Dragon Turtles of Midgard (pg. 129)
  • Terrors of the Dragon Empire (pg. 137)
  • Yek Demons (pg. 142)
  • Blood Mages of Kaa’nesh (pg. 216)

Warlock Grimoire 2

  • Treasure Vaults of Midgard (pg. 81)
  • Galvanix (pg. 162)
  • Lost Combat Spells and War Magics of the Red Wastes (pg. 210)

Warlock Grimoire 3

  • Dancing with Dragons: Intrigues of the Mharoti (pg. 68)
  • Dragon Templates (pg. 174)
  • Barbarian Subclass: Path of the Dragon (pg. 271)
  • Warlock Patron: The Great Dragons (pg. 274)

Warlock Grimoire 4

  • Azure Band: Organized Crime in the Dragon Empire (pg.144) 

Kobold Press Blog


Warlock Grimoire 1

  • The Forbidden Mountains of Beldestan (pg. 21)

Nuria Natal

Warlock Grimoire 3

  • Wonderous Locales of the Southlands (pg. 154)
  • A Survey of Southern Occultism (pg. 278)

Elemental Planes

Although they are not necessary for a Mharoti campaign, the Elemental planes of Midgard are closely tied to the Dragon Empire due to the elemental cults and magic there. The article below specifically mentions the Dragon Empire connection, but the articles on the other planes might be helpful as well.

Warlock Grimoire 4

  • Endless Skies: Elemental Plane of Air (pg. 77)


Bonus: I’m scrubbing through the various Kobold Press adventure anthologies and pulling out ones that would be appropriate to a campaign in the Dragon Empire. I’m also including ones that might easily be moved there or are set in a nearby region.

Book of Lairs

  • Castle of Sand
  • The Hive
  • Monument of the Thunderer (Nuria Natal)
  • Tomb of the Scorpion Prince
  • Fane of Serpents
  • Sky Stairs of Beldestan
  • Citadel of the Void Dragons 

Creature Codex Lairs

  • Lair of the Fire Cult
  • Caverns of the Howling Moon
  • Swept Away
  • King of Ill Fortune

Tome of Beasts 2 Lairs

  • To Track a Thief
  • The Forsaken Fort
  • Fight for Horseshoe Rock Oasis
  • House of the Worm God
  • Terror at Mountain Lotus Temple 
  • Tunnels Below Skulltop Tor
  • Fire and Fury

Tome of Beasts 3 Lairs

  • Proudheart’s Predator Problem
  • Flight of the Dromedaries
  • Evil Rises
  • Redoubt of the Perfidious Guru
  • The Lost Forge
  • Chaos at the Caldera 
  • The Twisted Sanctuary 

Eldritch Lairs

  • Under the Devil’s Thumb (Southlands)
  • Palace of the Wind Lords (Southlands)

Kobold Press Blog

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