Thursday, December 28, 2023

Negotiation System

Recently I was listening to MCDM's Q&A sessions about their upcoming RPG. The designers have now mentioned something they call the negotiation system multiple times, with patience and interest as axis along with an NPC can oscillate. I ran across a moment in one of my games during which a player attempted to persuade a young green dragon to work for the party, and the situation didn't progress as smoothly as I wanted. The idea of negotiations providing a specific gameplay structure or system struck me as something I could use right now based on that and previous NPC interactions with that group. So I went ahead and developed my own negotiation system, inspired by the concepts mentioned by the MCDM designers. I have no current access to any playtest or design documents from MCDM, so I have no idea how their current or final design will function, but here is my own independently developed system that should be adaptable regardless of your current game system (but it is geared towards 5e because that's what I currently play). You might have a harder time in non-skill system based RPGs, but you are the best judge of what your particular RPG's persuasion or social interaction check-type actions are that can influence this.

The Negotiation System; or "Behold my OG skills developed through long computer lab sessions with Microsoft Paintbrush as a child"

An NPC with whom you can negotiate has an Interest and a Patience score. The starting score in a given interaction is determined by the GM. The NPC must have an interest of at least one for them to interact at all with the player characters. Whether or not they do not have an interest of at least one then determine the NPCs starting Attitude of Hostile, Neutral, or Friendly to determine how they interact (i.e. attack, or the tone of how they ignore the characters' overtures). You can roll randomly on a d6 (1-2 Hostile, 3-4 Neutral, 5-6 Friendly) if you want, but you'll generally have an idea of the NPC's attitude in advance. Through roleplay, skill checks, or a combination of both (or however your RPG of choice functions) the player characters can increase an NPC's Interest, and potentially lower the DC of a skill check to persuade them to take a desired action (again, this is all set by you. Some DC should still be 30 and decreased only to 25 if the decision is not optimal for the NPC. Your bard could persuade them, but it should be earned).

As the players talk or make checks, the NPC's patience degrades by one to two points (depending on how the interaction relates to the NPC's Attitude and Desires) per interaction or check made by the characters. If it decreases to zero, the NPC is no longer interested in listening to the characters. You can also decrease it if you feel the conversation is dragging on. Talking about pitfalls can also decrease an NPC's Patience and Interest, potentially provoking the NPC to attack the characters or at least end the interaction. Tailoring roleplay to an NPC's desires can increase their Interest and maintain their Patience levels.

Terms Defined:

Attitude: Feeling NPC has towards the player characters. Ranges from Hostile, Neutral, or Friendly.

Pitfalls: Some topics are non-starters for an NPC. Others are sensitive and likely to decrease an NPC's Interest or Patience significantly (by three or more points). Players can conduct research through roleplay or actions like domain checks (if you use domain-level play like in Kingdoms & Warfare).

Desires: Topics that NPC is very interest in, and desires information or assistance to achieve. Discussing these topics can maintain an NPC's Patience level for a time and potentially increase their Interest level.

Interest: The number assigned to represent how much an NPC desires to speak to a character. Can move up or down depending on the actions of the player characters. Once the interest reaches zero, the NPC is no longer interest in conducting Negotiations at all.

Patience: The number assigned to represent how will an NPC is to continue speaking to a player. This number can move up or down depending on the actions of the player characters. Once the Patience reaches zero, the NPC no longer has the patience continue negotiating with the player characters.

Further Customization: 
The Interest and Patience scores do not need to be on a ten point scale. Depending on the situation or the personality (or even stats) of the NPC you can scale these scales up or down (as an example, the Ents at Entmoot had much higher patience than your average crime boss).

You can easily keep track of an NPC's scores and personality by writing a description detailing their motives (i.e. Desires, Pitfalls, Interest, Patience) stored either digitally or on an index card and use two dice of appropriate sizes as your respective Interest and Patience trackers.

This system, like any system supporting roleplaying is subjective. It does not proscribe what a GM should do in any given situation. They need to understand the motivations of the NPC and attempt to communicate them to their players (for instance, I thought I made it pretty clear that the aforementioned green dragon wouldn't be forthright in negotiating when I had it bite a dragon cultist's head off as they knelt in obeisance to the monster--but apparently that wasn't clear enough). It does however give you a mechanical framework that you can communicate to your players (I.e. you should let them know they are in a negotiation and the basic framework). You can hide what's going on "under the hood" as it were unless they make some sort of Insight check successfully to gauge the NPCs reactions (look a mechanical reward for an Insight check! You can actually give them the number and say "they're getting tired of talking to you"). But this way there is a definite cut off to the negotiation so the roleplaying doesn't get drawn out and stale as your other players start to play tic-tac-toe (yes, this happened during the conversation with the green dragon. I make terrible mistakes as a GM all the time).

Hopefully this system helps you in some way. Let me know if anything doesn't make sense or needs more detail in the comments section.

Pregen Characters for Descent to Avernus

Spoilers for Descent to Avernus and the Alexandrian Remix.

I've spent a fair bit of time reading through Justin Alexander's Descent to Avernus Remix, and I really enjoy it and would recommend a read. As far as Baldurs Gate: Descent to Avernus goes in general, I don't think the campaign is great for a beginner GM, but it has some great ideas, improved upon with the additional connective tissue Justin adds. But perhaps my favorite addition is the additional history and metaphysical justifications Justin creates to explain the story. Now you might go the entire campaign and depending on the players not require much of this extra info. But if like me you use the framework provided by Mike Shea in Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master, then you'll find some of this extra history useful as secrets and clues you can lay on your characters. And how can you make them even more invested? Tying it all to their background! So I created eight pregen characters tied into this campaign.

Now, depending on your group your mileage may vary. My group is currently using modified versions of the pregens for the original Lost Mine of Phandelver starter set campaign, and character creation is still a difficult process for them (and for me at times). So in a fit of inspiration (since I have no idea when or if I'll end up running Descent to Avernus) I made a selection of highly themed pregen characters that can be used for an adventure preceding the disappeance of Elturel that have pretty heavy ties to the lore of the Alexandrian Remix. Note the trinkets and background items that I have modified to provide potential story hooks into the lore. I personally envision this party as a group of idealists. Most are younger )with a few exceptions) and none of them are aware of the secret plots of the Cult of Zariel within Elturgard, but they are advancing within their respective orders and likely would have been initiated into the Cult (or eliminated if they proved disloyal) had Elturel not been transported to Avernus. 

I would probably run an intro scenario of the party partoling in the Trollclaws on the Northern Frontiers of Elturgard and stumbling upon some sort of dungeon, perhaps with some Zarielite or Gargauthian imagery to hint at discoveries yet to come in the campaign. As the characters complete their patrol and they begin their return to Elturel to report their findings. The sun has just set as they come into sight of the city, still aways off, but the night remains lit by the comforting, everpresent light of the Companion. Suddenly the earth tremors, and the light of the Companion seems to fade then begins to "emit a strange, purplish-black light..." and the surface seems to crackle with lighting that arcs downward, lighting fires like tiny candles in the city below. Thunder booms as this energy flashes. The players have a chance to react before the cutsceen continues. At an appropriate moment, the tremors and thunder crescendo, as the city blinks out of existence, leaving a massive crater behind, and taking all of the characters friends and loved ones with it. The characters are left to figure out what to do. You can launch into the journey of refugees that fled Elturel towards Baldurs Gate, and have folk plead with them to help as Hellriders and Knights of the Companion, thus launching the journey.

My goal with these character descriptions is to tie the characters deeply to the plot of the adventure. Make them deeply invested in their city and give them personal payoff when the GM relates the lore about the history of the Hellriders, the Knights of the Companion, and their own families. For instance, the Warlord character (see below) has hooks in their items and backstory that should demonstrate during the adventure that their own family were senior members of the Cult of Zariel (perhaps this character meets their father as a transformed Hellknight in Elturel). This confronts the character with a dramatic issue of identity, complimenting the adventure theme of a descent into darkness with the hope of a redemption to the light. You'll also see that all members are sworn to the Creed Resolute, meaning the have direct personal stakes in freeing their own souls from this pact. It also means that you have built in hooks if you want to continue your journey through the Nine Hells after Descent by playing the recently released Chains of Asmodeus. There are also characters with ties to Baldurs Gate that could create interesting story beats as the players go through the mystery of the refugee murders in part three of the Remix and interact with the Flaming Fist. (Remember to strip out the GM notes in italic below before providing this info to your players).

As far as leveling, you can start with these first level characters, or alternatively start them at third level. For level progression, I'd just be upfront with your players if this will then slow down their initial progression, or alternatively just level them up when you choose to and adjust the encounters throughout the adventure accordingly.

I use character options from KibblesTasty (Warlord Class, Crusader Fighter, and Divine Hand Rogue), Spectre Creations (Oath of Purification Paladin), and Benjamin Huffman (Pugilist Class and Street Saint Subclass). The other character classes and subclasses are available in the Player's Handbook, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.

I'm sharing the OGL covered portions of the characters and the subclass name (but not the copyrighted features) so you should be able to recreate them fairly easily. Note that I provide a proposed name for male or female versions of the characters. For players looking to play non-binary characters just encourage them to maintain the surname since it ties to the lore. They can chose their own given name. Additionally, note that I give my first level players five extra hit points, which you can subtract from their total HP if you desire.

There are a total of eight characters to choose from:

Joshod Restat (male) or Shidra Restat (female)

Human Warlord

Level 1

Subclass: Commander’s Presence

HP: 14 (hit dice: 1d8 per level)

AC: 18 (Chain Mail, Shield)

STR: 16 (+3) 

DEX: 10 (+0)

CON: 13 (+1)

INT: 8 (-1)

WIS: 15 (+2) (saving +4)

CHA: 12 (+1) (saving +3)

Proficiency Bonus: +2

Skill Proficiencies: +5 Athletics, +1 History, +4 Insight, +3 Intimidation, +3 Persuasion 
Tool Proficiencies: Three Dragon Ante, Cartographers Tools
Languages: Common, Goblin, Elvish

Background: Noble (Knight)




Chain Mail

A set of fine clothes

a signet ring

a scroll of pedigree

a purse

A blank book whose pages refuse to hold ink, chalk, graphite, or any other substance or marking (gifted to you by your father, a High Knight of the Companion)

Explorers Pack (Includes a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it)

25 gp 

Character Description:

A young and perhaps future leader in the Order of the Companion, sworn to uphold the tenets of the Creed Resolute and give thanks for the Companion which “walks beside us every day, a constant companion to us in times of trouble.” You are a descendant of a long line of noble knights that have long mapped and defended the frontiers of Elturgard. Your grandfather was Cathasach Restat, the second High Observer of Elturgard (ruler of the nation) and one of the founders of the Order of the Companion. He also established the worship of Torm through Elturgard, and reconsecrated the High Hall to the God of Order. Like all in your family, you are a dedicated devotee of the Companion and Torm. You are the leader of a patrol of Knights of the Companion and Hellriders (the party), ordered to investigate evil doing on the borders of the holy land of Elturgard. Your family back in Elturel are relying on you to defend the family legacy as you work to protect the Companion's holy light over the city. (GM Note: As mentioned above, this character has plenty of potential ties as they might see friends, relatives, or mentors reborn as fiends in Avernus. Their family began well, but now likely has deep ties to the Cult of Zariel, and perhaps worked closely with Thavius Kreeg to bring about the descent of the city to Avernus).

Brirar Starsk (male) or Mire Vov (female)

Human Cleric

Level 1

Subclass: War Domain

HP: 9 (hit dice: 1d8 per level)

AC: 16 (Chain Mail), 18 when using Shield

Spell Save DC: 13

STR: 15 (+2) 

DEX: 10 (+0)

CON: 13 (+1)

INT: 8 (-1)

WIS: 16 (+3) (saving +5)

CHA: 12 (+1) (saving +3)

Proficiency Bonus: +2

Skill Proficiencies: History (+1), Insight (+5), Medicine (+5), Religion (+1)

Tool Proficiencies: None

Languages: Common, Celestial, Dwarven

Background: Acolyte




a light crossbow and 20 bolts

Chain Mail

A holy symbol (a gift to you when you entered the priesthood)

a prayer book or prayer wheel

5 sticks of incense


a set of common clothes


A mechanical canary inside a gnomish lamp


Explorers Pack (Includes a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it)

Character Description 

You are a young War Priest of Torm, god of duty, loyalty, righteousness, obedience, and law (holy symbol is a right handed gauntlet). You are sworn to the high ideals of the Creed Resolute, and dedicated to defending the Companion's holy light from all evil doers, both mortal and from the beyond. You seek to advance within the Order of the Companion and have deep admiration for the High Observer of Torm, Thavius Kreeg (who also rules Elturgard in that office). Your superiors have promised to initiate you in the deeper mysteries of the Order if you perform well on your first patrol of the frontier. (GM Note: In case the subtext is unclear, this young priest was going to be initiated in the Cult of Zariel if they did well on this mission. They also have deep ties to the establishment and may have disturbing personal or familial connections revealed in Avernus).

Dornorin Veirnaves (male) or Faerona Elderfate (female)

High Elf Rogue

Level 1

Subclass: Divine Hand (Will take at 3rd Level)

HP: 15 (hit dice: 1d8 per level)

AC: 14 (Leather Armor)

STR: 8 (-1) 

DEX: 17 (+3) (saving +5)

CON: 14 (+2)

INT: 10 (+0) (saving +2)

WIS: 14 (+2)

CHA: 12 (+1)

Proficiency Bonus: +2

Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics (+5), Athletics (+1), Deception (+3), Investigation (+4), Perception (+4), Sleight of hand (+5), Stealth (+7 expertise)

Tool Proficiencies: Thieves’ Tools (+4 expertise + DEX mod), Dice Set, Disguise Kit

Languages: Common, Elven, Goblin, Thieves’ Cant 

Background: Spy 



Shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows

Leather armor

Two daggers

Thieves’ tools

Burglars pack (backpack, a bag of 1,000 ball bearings, 10 feet of string, a bell, 5 candles, a crowbar, a hammer, 10 pitons, a hooded lantern, 2 flasks of oil, 5 days rations, a tinderbox, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it)


Dark set of common clothes with hood

A white, sequined glove sized for a human


15 gp

Character Description 

At times, the light finds us in the midst of darkness and raises us up. So it was for this rogue, formerly a common thief grubbing for survival in the Outer City of Baldur’s Gate. One fateful day a priest of the common folk, a street saint (see pugilist character) found you, and taught you the ways of the light. Now you are a dedicated follower of Lathander (also called Amaunator), the god of life, light. Keeper of the Golden Sun. You are sworn to the Creed Resolute as a Hellrider, training to serve the Companion and the Keeper of the Sun as a Divine Hand when the time comes. Sometimes to serve the light, one must descend into the deepest darkness and work in the shadows. (GM Note: This member is intended to be an bit of an outsider, but has connections to Baldurs Gate that might be used to ground the setting during the murder investigations. There is the possibility of tying in mentors because this person was likely going to be coopted, perhaps unknowingly, as an assassin for the Cult of Zariel. They would have eliminated those idealists who impeded the Cults goals in Elturgard, all under the guise of doing that which is right according to "the light of the Companion and the orders of the High Observer").

Lampert (male) or Teresa (female)

Human Pugilist

Level 1

Subclass: Street Saint (Will take at 3rd Level)

HP: 15

AC: 14 (Leather Armor, Iron Chin Feature)

STR: 17 (+3) (saving +5)

DEX: 14 (+2)

CON: 14 (+2) (saving +4)

INT: 8 (-1)

WIS: 12 (+1)

CHA: 10 (+0)

Proficiency Bonus: +2

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics (+5), Acrobatics (+4), History (+1), Sleight of Hand (+4), Stealth (+4)

Tool Proficiencies: Thieves' Tools

Weapons Proficiencies: Simple weapons, Improvised Weapons, whip, hand crossbow

Languages: Common, Thieves' Cant, Goblin, Infernal

Background: Sage


Leather Armor

Dungeoneer's Pack (backpack, a crowbar, a hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, a tinderbox, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it)

Thieves' tools

A bottle of Ink

A Quill

A small knife

Letter from a dead colleague posing a question you have not yet been able to answer about the doctrine of the Companion

a set of common clothes

A nightcap that, when worn, gives you pleasant dreams



Character Description

You were once a Seeker, a sage who learned to write and copy books from the Avowed of the great library of Candlekeep (GM Note: See Elminster's Candlekeep Companion or Candlekeep Mysteries for more info on the Avowed), but a visit from a paladin in your youth changed your path forever. You joined the Hellriders and the Order of the Gauntlet, taking the Creed Resolute and dedicating yourself to helping those less fortunate as a priest of Lathander (also called Amaunator). But you are the priest of the people not like any other. You help as much with your fists as your kind words and service. You know when force and less scrupulous means can be used to the God of Light's ends (You will gain your subclass abilities at level 3). You used all these skills to help many children off the streets (see Divine Hand character description) and out of the gangs of the Outer City of Baldurs Gate, working sometimes alongside and against the members of the Flaming Fists, a mercenary company charged with defending Baldurs Gate. Now you are older, but not done with your duties. You have been recalled to Elturgard to help defend the holy land of the Companion. (GM Note: Again, another relative outsider and priest of the people. This character brings ties with organizations in Baldurs Gate and could be an older mentor and guide to others in the group. They likely would have been killed due to their loyalty to their ideals instead of coopted into the Cult).

Cikrim Bellandi (male) or Ionvo Bellandi (female)

Aasimar Paladin

Level 1

Subclass: Oath of the Watchers (will take at third level)

HP: 17

AC: 16 (Chain Mail) (18 when using shield and one handed weapon)

STR: 17 (+3)

DEX: 12 (+1)

CON: 14 (+2)

INT: 8 (-1)

WIS: 10 (+0) (save +2)

CHA: 14 (+2) (save +4)

Proficiency Bonus: +2

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics (+5), Intimidation (+4), Persuasion (+4), Religion (+1)

Tool Proficiencies: Dragonchess

Languages: Common, Celestial, Abyssal

Background: Knight of the Order


Chain Mail

Holy Symbol


Great Sword


Set of travelers clothes

A signet representing your rank and parentage in the order of the Companion

An iron holy symbol devoted to an unknown god (gifted to you by a favorite uncle) (GM Note: You can make this a mysterious Zarielite symbol)

Explorers Pack (Includes a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it)


10 gp

Character Description:

You are a paladin of the Knights of the Companion, sworn to both the Creed Resolute and the Oath of the Watchers (you will gain the benefits of this subclass at level 3) Your celestial birthright is celebrated by your family as a mark of the blessings of the Companion and Helm. The rest of your family is human, but you have been touched by the heavens and born as an aasimar. You have a great heritage in the land of Elturgard; your grandmother was High Watcher Naja Bellandi who over fifty years ago fought off the incursions of vampires into the heart of Elturel. It was a dark time, and your family does not often speak of it. Your grandmother died shortly after becoming High Observer (ruler of Elturgard) and is remembered with great fondness by the whole nation. You now look to the High Observer Thavius Kreeg as ruler of Elturgard and leader of the Knights of the Companion. (GM Note: This character is descended from the ruler of Elturgard who made the original pact with Zariel that would forfeit the city of Elturel and the souls of those sworn to the Creed Resolute. This revelation should be potentially devastating as this character seeks to understand their own identity. Adding a tomb of Naja Bellandi in Elturel where the players might have to opportunity to use Speak With Dead could be an interesting roleplaying scenario).

Uricius Bladevale (male) or Levkaria Bladevale (female)

Tielfing Paladin

Level 1

Subclass: Oath of Purification (will take at 3rd level)

HP: 17

AC: 18 (Chain Mail, Shield) 

STR: 17 (+3)

DEX: 12 (+1)

CON: 14 (+2)

INT: 8 (-1)

WIS: 10 (+0) (save +2)

CHA: 14 (+2) (save +4)

Proficiency Bonus: +2

Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling (+2), Insight (+2), Medicine (+2), Persuasion (+4), Survival (+2)

Tool Proficiencies: Brewer's supplies, Vehicles (land)

Languages: Common, Infernal

Background: Folk Hero


War Pick

5x Javelins

Chain Mail


Holy Symbol

Brewer's Supplies


Iron pot

Set of common clothes


A crystal knob from a door (GM Note: You can perhaps give this some sort of celestial or arcane power...or it can just be a lame knickknack)

Explorers Pack (Includes a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it)

10 gp

Character Description:

It is difficult being a tielfing in the land of Elturgard. Your loyalty to the Companion is often questioned due to your ancestors' history of devotion to Asmodeus, the ruler of the Nine Hells. You have spent your life seeking to prove yourself and dispel all doubts. You are a devotee of Tyr, the Blind Overlord, the Evenhanded god of Justice. When all else have shown you injustice, he provides a guiding light with his blind scales. As a Hellrider you uphold the Oath of the Creed Resolute and your Oath of Purification (You will get Oath benefits at 3rd level). The proudest moment in your life and for your family is when you took those oaths. You will not tolerate evil or injustice, regardless of the victim. You and your family have paid too dearly to live in Elturel to allow any form of darkness in the land of the Companion.

Tenets of Purification

Paladins who take this oath often emblazon the tenets of Purification upon their shield or weapon as a forthright display to others of what they fight for.

Bring the Truth to Light. Be not clouded by the laws and expectations of others. You seek truth, no matter what challenges impede your path.

Purify the Wicked. Rehabilitation is preferred. A fiery death for the unrepentant is an acceptable alternative.

Defend the Undefiled. Those who remain clean from the toxic path of evil are worthy of your protection. Safeguard their purity. (GM Note: This character is another type of outsider that could provide interesting roleplaying opportunities. They discover through the course of the adventure that those who discrimated against their family and people where truly the evil ones in Elturgard. This character also has plenty of reason to explore their own infernal legacy and plenty of justification to renounce their oath and become an Oathbreaker Paladin depending on their reactions to these situations).

Rorcum Thent (male) or Cilil Thent

Human Fighter

Level 1

Subclass: Crusader (will take at 3rd level)

HP: 17

AC: 18 (Chain Mail, shield)

STR: 16 (+3) (save +5)

DEX: 12 (+1)

CON: 15 (+2) (save +4)

INT: 8 (-1)

WIS: 14 (+2)

CHA: 10 (+0)

Proficiency Bonus: +2

Skill Proficiencies: insight (+4), Perception (+4), Religion (+1), Survival (+4)

Tool Proficiencies: None

Languages: Common, Giant, Orc, Elven

Background: Faction Agent


Chain Mail


Light crossbow and 20 bolts

Dungeoneer's Pack (backpack, a crowbar, a hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, a tinderbox, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it)

A badge of the Order of the Gauntlet

An illuminated copy of The Labors of Torm, an important religious text, gifted you by your aunt Tamal

A vial of dragon blood

Set of common clothes


15 gp

Character Description:

You come from a proud line of holy warriors as a member of House Thent. Your parents and grandparents were great knights of the Companion, but your aunt Tamal Thent made the greatest impact upon you. She was a mighty paladin, next in line in the order to be named High Observer and rule over Elturgard until she disappeared while patrolling the frontier near Boareskyr Bridge. Now you carry on her legacy defending the holy land of Elturgard, loyally upholding your oath to the Creed Resolute and as a member of the Order of the Gauntlet. Your family have long worshiped the god Torm and have lived in Elturel for generations. (GM Notes: Another layer of potential intrigue as this characters' aunt was murdered by Zarielites. The Cult members could have been led by a relative of another party member, adding some interparty dramatic tension).

Rildar Zhael (male) or Maja Zhael (female)

Aasimar Sorcerer 

Level 1

Subclass: Divine Sorcerer

HP: 13

AC: 11 (unarmored (10 + DEX)

Spell Save DC: (13) 8 + CHA + Proficiency bonus

STR: 8 (-1)

DEX: 13 (+1)

CON: 15 (+2) (save +4)

INT: 12 (+1)

WIS: 10 (+0)

CHA: 17 (+3) (save +5)

Proficiency Bonus: +2

Skill Proficiencies: Arcana (+3), Deception (+5), Medicine (+2), Religion (+3)

Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism Kit 

Languages: Common, Celestial, Infernal

Background: Hermit


light crossbow and 20 bolts

an arcane focus

Dungeoneer's Pack (backpack, a crowbar, a hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, a tinderbox, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it)

Two daggers

A 1-inch cube, each side painted a different color

Scroll case stuffed with prayers you wrote during your sojourn as a hermit

Winter blanket

Set of common clothes

Herbalism kit

5 gp

Character Description:

Legend tells of an angel that blessed the Hellriders of Elturel as they rode into the Hells. Your ancestors are said to have been blessed by that angel, charged forever to defend Elturgard as aasimar in the Hellriders. You too are a Hellrider who has taken the Creed Resolute. Seeking spiritual answers about the nature of this divine power, you spent many years as a hermit in the Cloud Peaks. This time taught you much about yourself. You returned to Elturgard to seek your divine destiny. You are a devotee of the god Tyr, the Maimed god of Justice. (GM Note: This character derives their power from the blessings of Zariel, setting up some interesting possibilities if the characters seek to redeem the fallen angel. Their family name should also hint at this history and connection. Alternatively, this character could also explore themes of being the fruit of the poison tree as it were. Are their powers truly divine, or destined to be used for infernal ends?)

Review: The Book of Fiends

Today we’ll be discussing one of my favorite bestiaries, and one of the earliest books I acquired for 5e. The Book of Fiends , from Green Ro...