Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Arcadia Reactions

Arcadia is an outstandingly produced product and, as of my time of writing, the entire backlog is available for subscribers to the MCDM Patreon. It's worth it. Alternatively, Arcadia issues are available on the MCDM store, and DriveThruRPG. The magazine ceased production in July of 2023 as MCDM pivoted to support development on its own RPG (which I am excited to eventually try out).

Arcadia 1 cover art by Gustavo Pelissari

Outside of the MCDM community forums, I haven't seen much discussion or highlighting of Arcadia, the company's now defunct monthly magazine providing 5e content. That's a shame, and one I would like to rectify. 

This reaction series will be similar to James Maliszewski of Grognardia's excellent retrospective series about Polyhedron, White Dwarf, and other classic products and zines.

In the future I'd also like to try looking through older magazines and products (Warlock from Kobold Press will be high on the list once I acquire their back issues in their various Warlock Grimoire). With this and those potential series, we'll see how far this goes. There are thirty issues of Arcadia magazine for us to chew on, and each one has some beautiful art and cool content. Here's to the journey.

Arcadia 1 Reaction

Arcadia 2 Reaction

Arcadia 3 Reaction

Arcadia 4 Reaction 

Arcadia 5 Reaction 

Arcadia 6 Reaction 

Arcadia 7 Reaction 

Arcadia 8 Reaction 

Arcadia 9 Reaction 

Arcadia 10 Reaction 

Arcadia 11 Reaction 

Arcadia 12 Reaction 

Arcadia 13 Reaction 

Arcadia 14 Reaction 

Arcadia 15 Reaction 

Arcadia 16 Reaction 

Arcadia 17 Reaction 

Arcadia 18 Reaction 

Arcadia 19 Reaction 

Arcadia 20 Reaction 

Arcadia 21 Reaction 

Arcadia 22 Reaction 

Arcadia 23 Reaction 

Arcadia 24 Reaction 

Arcadia 25 Reaction 

Arcadia 26 Reaction 

Arcadia 27 Reaction 

Arcadia 28 Reaction 

Arcadia 29 Reaction 

Arcadia 30 Reaction 

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