Friday, February 23, 2024

Amazing Maps

Kobold Press' Midgard setting map

I've always loved maps, even before getting into this hobby. I remember looking at a globe my parents had and trying to remember the names of the countries. I remember a big broken solid globe we got from someone who used to be a teacher. We would sit on it because it was so solid, kind of like a yoga ball. It still had the USSR on it, which I guess dates me if I consider that to be a long time ago… I also remember flipping back and forth in history books, comparing the text to maps of military campaigns or political boundaries.

So I want to highlight an amazing map resource for Kobold Press’ Midgard Setting that is available to the community for free! The Midgard World map even has layers to add a hexgrid overlay so you can do exploration hexcrawls. It's easy to just take a screengrap or snip of the area you are adventuring in and you have a region map ready. There's a layer for political boundaries (imagine a free map product like this for the Forgotten Realms? This map is amazing). There's also a search function that allows you to find every location labeled on the map. There's also a pathfinder tool so you can map out the path a party will take and it will give you the distance for the trip. You can lay as many waypoints as you want on this path. Makes tracking travel time easy! (The same designer who made the Midgard map also has made a similar Eberron map)

Finally, perhaps the most amazing part to me is the index of many major town and city maps included with it, making it easy to pull up a relevant town map to reference in game. 

Kobold Press has some amazing 5e content and will be releasing content compatible with its own take on the ruleset, Tales of the Valiant, probably for many years to come. My first game set in Midgard starts tomorrow and I'm super excited to make use of their awesome content.

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