Sunday, June 30, 2024

Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen - The Emperor of the Waves (Part II)

Spoilers follow for the adventure Salvage Operations from Ghosts of Saltmarsh…

The disgusting vomit washed like a tidal wave over Asterius. The. Dropping like foul piñatas, three more demons emerged from their cocoons. Asterius rallied his strength, drawing upon his inner discipline as a knight of Solamnia. Gringle fired arrows and the others hurled spells from the back. In the midst of this tremendous racket, a door opened at the other end of the hallway behind them, and a sallow elf carrying a staff appeared. A loud pop noise resounded and a giant blue spider appeared behind Gringle. They now had to fight on two fronts. 

The elf let out a shout: “The spider goddess will have your souls for intruding upon this sanctuml! The elf then summoned a fiery orb that slammed into Gringle, knocking him unconscious.

Davin turned to match spells with the caster, while Fallon healed Gringle. Asterius took mighty swings at the demonic mouth monsters in front of him. As soon as he slew the last one, Asterius turned to sprint up the hallway. On his way he forgot the dilapidated wooden grate leading into the hold below through the floor. When his massive hooves hit the floor the grate buckled and Asterius went, torch in hand, tumbling into the hold. 

Asterius held the only light, and his torch was extinguished with a sizzle as he fell into the water filled hold, plunging the whole area into darkness. 

In the dark, Fallon and Davin heard a door snap shut from the direction that the elf had been. Davgin summoned a light. Gringle, now healed and alert once more, helped Fallon quickly toss down a rope, which they secured through the mast that went down through the ship in the center of the corridor. 

Asterius looked about in the dim like from Davgin that shown down from above he saw the glint of pale, dead eyes. Ghasts, undead men, converged on him in the water, slashing at him with their razor claws, and gnashing their rotting teeth with hunger. 

Hauling with all their might, his companions yanked him up to their level, away from the grasping undead. In the moment before he was pulled through the opening, Asterius glimsped a metal box in the water that matched the description of that which they had been sent to retrieve. After recovering their breath for a moment they kicked down the door behind which the druid had fled.

The druid confronted the adventurers, warning them that remaining would be their destruction. Unfazed, the heroes slew the druid and the remaining spiders within the room. After searching the room, the heroes found the ladder descending to the watery hold below.

Readying their weapons, they entered the hold, attacking the ghasts in the water. Although exhausted, they fought off the diseases from the undead and destroyed them all. Attempting to lift the heavy chest, they began to hear an ominous groaning and suddenly the ship shuddered. Within moments, holes were punched in the rotting walls of the hold, as massive tentacles reached for the adventurers and water poured into the compartment. Asterius and Fallon desperately strove to lift the box, as Gringle and Davgin bounded up the ladder, attempting to reach the upper deck.

GM Reflections

Another straight dungeon crawling session. I actually really enjoy dungeon crawls the more I do them because it’s so easy to prep them. The party always takes longer than you expect so if you prep 4-6 encounters including traps and fights then they won’t move a crazy amount due to their own paranoia. They’re easy to seed lore into or add interesting creatures, and you can have crazy cool environments to explore. 

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