Tuesday, June 25, 2024

EN5ider Reactions

EN5ider logo is property of EN Publishing

EN World Publishing's 5e magazine, EN5ider has almost six hundred issues over the past nine years and is still going strong. There's plenty of great material and information that I want to integrate into my 5e games and that I think will remain relevant even as the new edition draws closer. So I'm going to start a similar collection to my Arcadia reaction posts where I can document for my own (and perhaps your) record my annotations and thoughts on the materials in this great resource. 

Each EN5ider issue varies in size. Some, particularly the adventures published in serialized format, are much larger, while many are four to six pages. Because of this I will be looking at them in order of issue, but organizing my own posts into larger articles treating perhaps three to six small issues at a time. The longer issues will receive their own posts.

En5ider Reaction Issue 5

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