Wednesday, August 14, 2024

5e GM Reference: Master NPC Source List

I've long been frustrated by the amount of great NPC stat blocks available for 5e, but by the fact they're spread across so many sources. So for myself (and you) I'm creating this post to list all of the generic NPC stat blocks, a brief description of what they can be used for, and their source as a reference. I found this as I was selecting stats to represent NPCs for the Ptolus wedding event I put together for my first game session of that campaign. This article is (one of many) works in progress. 

Generic NPC Stat Blocks

  • Acolyte (Monster Manual (MM)): CR 1/4, low level divine spellcaster.
  • Apostle (Tome of Beasts III (TOB III)): CR 6, a more generic, mid-level representation of a cleric.
  • Archdruid (MPMM): CR 12, mostly bare stat block. Does have a wild shape ability.
  • Archer (MPMM): CR 3, not quite a ranger.
  • Archmage (MM): CR 12, extremely powerful wizard.
  • Assassin (MM): CR 8, powerful assassin rogue equivalent. Can potentially one-shot some surprised targets.
  • Atavist (TOB III): CR 4, mutated stronger cultist.
  • Bandit (MM): CR 1/8, as simple and generic an NPC adversary as you can get.
  • Bandit Captain (MM): CR 2, the beefiest bandit with more abilities. Pirate captain is a variant.
  • Bandit Lord (Tome of Beasts I (TOB I)): CR 4, more powerful than the captain. Makes a good enemy leader for bandits.
  • Bard (Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse (MPMM)): CR 2, NPC approximation of a low level player bard. Includes spellcasting and a vicious mockery-type ability.
  • Berserker (MM): CR 2, a barbarian without the rage. Does have reckless attack.
  • Blackguard (MPMM): CR 8, Oathbreaker Paladin NPC.
  • Black Knight Commander (TOB I): CR 5, evil fighter. Doesn't have the magic of a paladin.
  • Breathstealer (TOB III): CR 7, rogue-type with psychic abilities.
  • Champion (MPMM): CR 9, stronger NPC champion fighter. Simpler than the subclass (if you can believe it).
  • City Guard Captain (TOBI): CR 4, more powerful version of the guard with some controller capabilities.
  • Commoner (MM): CR 0, the most vanilla, weak NPC.
  • Cultist (MM): CR 1/8, the cannon fodder of cultists.
  • Cult Fanatic (MM): CR 4, more powerful cultist with magic.
  • Dwarven Ringmage (TOB I): CR 7, uses ring magic, a unique dwarven spellcaster. Functionally a regular mage, with cool flavor.
  • Elvish Veteran Archer (TOB I): CR 3, stealthy, ranger-type archer.
  • Field Commander (TOB III): CR 10, smells like a paladin, even if the flavor text is fighter. Strong.
  • First Servant (TOB III): CR 12, religious leader. Some interesting and innovative abilities.
  • Fixer (TOB III): CR 2, cleans up messes by killing people and destroying evidence.
  • Frost-Afflicted (TOB III): CR 3, basically an NPC with low-level cold powers, from surviving in a cold environment.
  • Illrigger (Original MCDM Illrigger): CR 12, this is actually Lady Dazran's stat block, but I think the point is to use it as a Painkiller Illrigger. Fairly complex and powerful. Dope hell knight.
  • Martial Arts Adept (MPMM): CR 3, NPC monk.
  • Master Thief (MPMM): CR 5, NPC thief, no sneak attack.
  • Psychophant (TOB III): CR 9, psychic cultist leader.
  • Swashbuckler (MPMM): CR 3, not like the rogue subclass at all. 
  • War Priest (MPMM): CR 9, war cleric NPC. Pretty beefy.
  • Warlock of the Archfey (MPMM): CR 4, kinda like the subclass, but not. No Eldritch Blast.
  • Warlock of the Fiend (MPMM): CR 7, like above, but fiendish. Also no Eldritch Blast. 
  • Warlock of the Genie Lord (TOB III): CR 5, elemental warlock.
  • Warlock of the Great Old One (MPMM): CR 6, like above, lots of at will spells.
  • Warlord (MPMM): CR 12, stronger fighter with legendary actions, including one controller power.
  • Wind Acolyte TOB III): CR 5, basically a mid-level air bender...
  • Apprentice Wizard (MPMM): CR 1/4, lame little wizard. Strangely seems to have Eldritch Blast...
  • Abjurer Wizard (MMPM): CR 9, interest wizard with abilities to protect other creatures around it.
  • Conjurer Wizard (MPMM): CR 6, 
  • Diviner Wizard (MPMM): CR 8,
  • Enchanter Wizard (MPMM): CR 6, 
  • Evoker Wizard (MPMM): CR 9, 
  • Illusionist Wizard (MPMM): CR 3, they made this one super weak with no interesting abilities.
  • Necromancer Wizard (MPMM): CR 9, 
  • Transmitter Wizard (MPMM): CR 5, 

Non-Named Villain NPC Stat Blocks

This section might be ill-advised, but I have a hard time remembering lower level and non-legendary monsters to use as villains, so I thought making a list might help. We'll see. The above section will hopefully be more helpful.
  • Bheur Hag (MPMM): CR 7, winter hag.
  • Deathlocks (MPMM): Three varieties, CR 3, 4, & 8. Undead warlock still working for patron.

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