Monday, January 6, 2025

Krakovan Rebels Pregens

I recently ran an adventure integrating some players from one campaign in another group for a one-shot. This is set in the Blood Kingdom in Kobold Press’ Midgard setting. It should be pretty fun! It uses the Lair of the Night Cauldron dungeon I created.

I knew I’d need to make some pregen characters so I brainstormed the following:

Pregen Brainstorming:

Krakovan Rebel Background

Dawn Blade Rogue (TOH)

Variant Human

Retired Adventurer Background 

Variant Human

Battlemaster Fighter

Haunted Villager Background 

Variant Human

Chaplain Fighter (TOH)

Krakovan Rebel Background

Variant Human

Chieftains Presence

Grisal Paladin


Oath of the Hearth (TOH)

Grisal Paladin


Oath of Safeguarding (TOH)

Grisal veteran


Legionary Fighter (TOH)

Grisal Paragon Warlord (KibblesTasty)


Mercenary Company Scion Background 

Final Character Briefs:

-Bozhin Vilensky: Human divine blade rogue Krakovar rebel. A religious fanatic who dedicated himself to serving the sun god, Khors, after his wife and daughter were taken by the darakhul ghouls after the fall of his home nation of Krakovar. He bitterly hates the Blood Kingdom’s vampire rulers and their ghoul allies. He follows Mladen Kramar and will do anything to destroy servants of evil.

-Elya Gajov: Human Battlemaster Fighter. Spearmaiden of the war goddess Sif. Elya had retired before the invasion of Krakovar, but has since joined the resistance. She is coming on this raid to help forge an alliance with the dwarves of the Black Fortress against the Vampire ruler of the Southwestern Marches. She leads a small band of rebels who are currently camped out in the swamps of the Yoshtula river. You are judging whether to allow the dwarves of Grisal and the Black Fortress to ally and help lead the thirty soldier of your band.

-Mladen Kramar: A Krakovan Rebel Chieftain Warlord. A stalwart memeber of the Krakovan resistance, you are on this raid to judge whether partnership with the dwarves of Grisal is worth Krakovan lives. If it is successful your Queen-in-exile will allow sixty troops to work at the disposal of Jaro Whitebeard of the Black Fortress. You are to support the raid and note everything to report back to your commanders in the town of Kariessen.

Adventure Pitch to Regular Characters:

To set the stage a bit for tomorrow; since it's going to be structured as a one-shot I'll be railroading you into the adventure a bit. Next session we can go back and play through your interaction with Jaro Whitebeard at the Black Fortress, but for this one you will be conducting a raid against some cultists who are led by Lady Illmalad's dhampir son, Fane. Rolan is in Whitebeard's care, convalescing from his experience wirh the Blood Cauldron.

You are tasked to kill or capture Fane, while taking whatever action you can to degrade or destroy his cultists' operational capability, and gather whatever information you can on their activities. 

If you prove yourselves, Whitebeard intends to place you in command of 30 dwarven heavy infantry. He is sending you with other Krakovan resistance members (the other players). If you are successful these rebel forces will contribute up to 90 of their troops to you, providing you roughly one full strength company sized force to oppose Lady Illmalad and the Band of the Twice Damned in the Southwestern Marches region and defend Morrowdown.

Adventure Pitch to Joining Players:

For this mission, you will be conducting a raid against some cultists who are led by the vampire Lady Illmalad's dhampir son, Fane. 

You are tasked to kill or capture Fane, while taking whatever action you can to degrade or destroy his cultists' operational capability, and gather whatever information you can on their activities. 

Your characters will also evaluate the other PCs (the regular players) to decide whether your factions will contribute troops to a united company under their command to oppose Lady Illmalad. You know already that these heroes are reported to have cleansed the village of Morrowdown from an ancient fey evil, and rescued two paladins of the Black Fortress who were going to be sacrificed to their alien entity.

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