Monday, January 27, 2025

The Labyrinth

The Labyrinth - by Faxfire

A mysterious twisting path, filled with monsters and strange magic and guarded by fearsome minotaurs, the labyrinth is an enigma. What is it? Who built it? And what treasure or terrible secret lies at its center?

While working on the Hedge Maze, I discovered that there is a distinction between a unicursal labyrinth, and a more complex maze, although in the modern sense we treat the terms as synonymous. So I drew a unicursal dungeon. I recommend making each hallway ten feet wide so your players can move freely through the complex. The monsters and secrets you hide within are your own decision. I was also partly inspired by looking at the OSR game Mazes & Minotaurs, available for free, and mentioned by the venerable Dyson Logos in a blog post from over a dozen years ago (take a look at the character sheets if you get the chance--they're gorgeous). Perhaps when I find myself with a bit more time (maybe someday) I'll take a look at that RPG and write up a review. If I'm really ambitious, I'll create a one-shot at least to try it out.

This map is free for your personal use, but it remains copyright to Faxfire.

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