Monday, October 14, 2024

Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen - The Final Battle

Spoilers follow for the adventure...

Opening trawl to explain the time jump:

The battlefield before Kalaman has been cleaved open with arcane fire. You have at last returned, having destroyed the floating city that the dragon army discovered in the Northern Wastes and sought to use to destroy Kalaman. Now you must defeat the Death Knight, Lord Soth, master of the mysterious and haunted Daargard Keep. Your travels have taught you much of this tragic figure. Cast out into the Shadowrealm for failing the gods, first murdering his wife and child out of jealousy and infidelity and then failing to prevent the Cataclysm that wreaked havoc on the world a millennia ago. He stands at the gates of Kalaman, bound by a fell pact with Takhisis, the evil dragon queen, to destroy her enemies and the free people of Kalaman. Soth descends upon a Death Dragon, a powerful corpse animated by its own bitterness and hatred…

Soth immediately unleashed a ball of cataclysmic fire that washed over the heroes on the rocky promontory from which they looked out across the blasted landscape. This punishment didn’t let up, as Asterius absorbed the brunt of the attacks to protect his friends. Soon Lord Soth landed and dismounted his dragon. The dragon took to the sky and swooped in to attack Fallon, while Sith went toe to toe with Asterius, battering the paladin with crushing blows. Asterius and Davgin made their own strong attacks, diminishing the Death Knight, and Gringle landed a devastating arrow attack. Fallon took claw and bite attacks from the dragon, barely staving off unconsciousness. 

Finally Soth battered down Asterius, and as he lay on the ground the Dark Knight stabbed him with his terrible sword. Soth then went after Gringle. Fallon managed to raise Asterius and he hauled himself back to his feet. Soth brought down Gringle, slashing the goblin with his sword, then striking him as he lay dying on the ground. Gringle lay dying on the ground as Soth turned and pointed at Asterius, saying “Be gone, Solamnic scum!”

Asterius disappeared, finding himself banished to a pocket dimension. The Paladin immediately began healing himself. Meanwhile, Gringle expired on the ground.

At this money, as Fallon clung to life fighting the dragon, Davgin made his move, casting powerful magic that finally killed the Death Knight. With his concentration broken, Asterius reappeared, and the remaining heroes killed the dragon. 

In the last precious moments, Asterius cast revivify on Gringle. They had won. Their forces routed the dragon army, and saved Kalaman.

After their adventures, Gringle retired, finally purchasing himself a property which he named Greenwood, and made himself Duke over. Davin opened a magic shop. Fallon journeyed and traveled, continuing to learn. And Asterius returned to the Solamnic knights, marshalling their forces to completely defeat the dragon armies…

GM Reflections

You may notice a dramatic time jump. I had another session where the players went back to Kalaman and discovered the massacred city council and they were about to follow Lord Sith into the catacombs when we decided that we were ready to be done.

My players got tired of this campaign, and honestly I did too. The railroad was too railroaded. My efforts to break out of this by adding in intrigue from Kingdoms & Warfare didn’t gel with the style of game that the players wanted to play (the system was essentially too complicated for them to easily grasp and not the experience they were interested in at this point). 

So we discussed it, and decided to have a final battle to resolve the campaign. We leveled up their characters to twelve (which is the highest level session I’ve ever had thus far). I was surprised in some ways by how limited their power actually still was. Limitations on spell preparation still can make an impact in what is available to you in combat. I also picked a map with broken up terrain and lava, and added a dynamic effect—another first for me. It worked well in impacting their tactical choices.

I pulled punches in the fight. I probably could have banished Asterius earlier, but I was worried about a TPK. I thought the stakes were suitably high at the end with Gringle dying and Asterius gone. Then they were able to manage to bring Asterius back, and mop up, while maintaining the pacing. At no point did the fight feel like a slog as normal ones occasionally do, I think partly because of the legendary actions. I’ve run legendary monsters before, but not two at once, which was a lot to manage.

Overall, a fun session, but a campaign I’m glad to have finished.


I just took a look at Solodark, the free rules for running the amazing Shadowdark RPG as a solo game. To be honest, there’s not a lot of material here, but what does exist is interesting.

Essentially the understanding is that you basically have everything in the Shadowdark core rules to run the game by yourself, so no systems other than initiative in combat have any mechanical changes. What you do lack is a GM to answer questions, which is why you are provided the details of the “Oracle Die.” This is a d20 roll with a variety of outcomes to determine yes/no questions and add twists to the responses with a random table of verb and noun prompts. The creator, Kelsey Dionne, has made several great videos showing how she’s employing these rules as an example.

When I have the opportunity I’d love to try out a Solodark campaign and I’ll put out write ups of my experiences. In the same vein I’ve been meaning to try out Ironsworn for the same reason—and a close friend recommended it.

On the larger subject of solo RPG play, I think it’s a great exercise in creativity, particularly as Kelsey demonstrates, because the player must creatively and imaginatively interpret ambiguous results. I could see it being a great creative writing exercise to get through writer’s block. It’s also just a great practice for a GM, interpreting new results and creating the story on the fly so you can nimbly respond and interpret your players’ actions in a multiplayer game. For this same reason I plan to spend some time soon looking at Ironsworn as well.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Addendum to EN5ider Issue 3 Reactions

Several months ago I examined the first four issues of EN5ider, ENWorld’s long running Patreon magazine for 5e D&D. In my Empire of the Ghouls campaign, I finally had a chance to use issue three, which provided a framework to run an archery contest. I reskinned it as an axe-throwing contest during a beer fest for the goddess Ninkash in the Ironcrag dwarven canton of Gunnacks. It went phenomenally.

The players enjoyed the flavor I added through describing the contest, and of course got a laugh out of the constant rounds of beer the dwarves served (“We get to day drink and throw axes?”) I also threw in a churlish rival—the cousin of an ally NPC they’d met upon arriving in town. There was never any threat of violence, but it added dramatic tension as they advanced through the contest. I will note that I chose the region column on the table and it did seem like a lot of rounds to get to the finals, particularly when they get three shots a round to attempt to score three points and advance. They both were eliminated in the sweet sixteen round, but made a good lucky run of it. It did seem like if I hadn’t added the fun descriptive elements and if my players weren’t as engaged that it could have fallen flat though.

On the broader topic of festivals in games, I really enjoyed this first foray. I think it’s a cool idea to have some interesting mini games that riff on core mechanics which the players can choose to engage with or note. Describing the event can add flavor and world building (for instance, I had them attend a banquet in the temple of Ninkash the night prior. As a goddess of hospitality, they were given free room and board there. Lumbering keg golems moved around the tables, providing beer to them and their dwarven hosts).

Monday, October 7, 2024

Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen - The Battle of Steel Springs (Part I)

Spoilers follow for the adventure…

Players defeated the mummy knight and discovered a horde of treasure, including a scroll of remove curse, hidden in his sarcophagus. The scroll was the object of their quest, which would allow Davgin to remove the curse from the rapier Fallon bought.

The party returned to Kalaman to find it strangely quiet. Except for the city guard and their own company most of the army was absent. They went to Castle Kalaman to investigate.

First they found Rookledust in her workshop, which she emerged from disheveled, whilst a whir of clockwork and machinery sounded out from inside. She was largely unhelpful, having spent the past several days working.

Next they went to Marshal Vendri’s office, finding a disheveled aide-de-camp examining maps and dispatches. She recounted how the Marshal had taken the bulk of the army to attack the Red Dragon Army’s supply lines toward Estwilde, while afterwards Lord Bakharis had taken most of the remaining troops against orders to attack the enemy near the ford of Steel Springs on the Inkwater River.

The heroes rested for the night, still exhausted from their adventure in the tomb, and then set out with their other troops towards the ford to attempt to save Bakharis’ force from destruction by his own hubris.

The march took two and a half days. Their scouts reported that the troops were in combat on the Western side of the Inkwater, being driven towards the river in disarray.

Attempting to save the army, the adventurers committed their own forces to battle, managing to drive off several enemy units and rally some of the remaining units of Bakharis’ force.

GM Reflections

This session provided me the opportunity to employ the mass combat system again from Kingdoms & Warfare. The players seemed to enjoy it more this time. They are once again back on the railroad though, with little time to rest. I would put more effort into building out a node-based plot, but the players have already expressed that they are excited to try a new campaign, but don’t want to simply end this one. So I’ll do my best to advance them in level and bring this to a satisfying conclusion.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Ptolus Session Plan - 1 October 2024

Strong Start: Random Enounter during journey through Midtown to quest—Female centaur warrior galloping quickly through the streets.

Old town random encounter: 2 elf commoner children on their way to school. Shop keeper warns them to hurry so they don’t get caught in the street when the Republican rally starts.

Scenes: Rally—see speech by Helmut Itelstein (sic) from Alexandrian, and crowd rules from the same. Use commoner mob stat block for crowd and guards for city guards.

Hedgehog Tavern: Missing person quest. (Things might get interesting as Oldtown may be under curfew). Run investigation as already developed.

Secrets & Clues: 

  • Helmut is a priest of a temple (observatory) in the Temple District.
  • Commissar, city council, and the church oppose the Republican movement for different reasons.
  • Strange hooded people frequent the Temple of the Ebon Hand, as if they wish to hide their identities.

Additional secrets & clues are in my personal notes for the mystery adventure.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Empire of the Ghouls - 28 Sept 2024 Session Planning Notes

Spoilers follow...

Secrets & Clues

  • Gybick was the center of the "Mice," the late king of Krakovar's spy network.
  • Velda Lupei is the secret leader of the Mice, and is in hiding in Gybick.
  • Morrowdown, a village on the road between the Black Fortress and Gybick, has had several years of prosperity despite the undead, but now it's crops and harvest are failing--what could be causing this?
  • Grisal controls the Black Fortress. Its warriors and paladins constantly battle the forces of the undead.
  • The leader of Grisal is Enzali Hackel, the Defender of the North, a paladin of Khors.
  • The great Commander of the Black Fortress, Jaro Whitebeard, leads the main fight against the Darakhul and the Blood Kingdom.
  • The vampire lord, Baron Fandorin, of Fandorin Keep is rumored to be capturing dwarves of Grisal instead of merely slaying them in battle. The fell purpose is unknown.
  • Baron Fandorin maintains a lair in the Walkers' Wood, called Whispergloom. 
  • Whispergloom contains a secret tunnel to the Ghould Imperium.
  • Tannenbirg Castle was destroyed by the ghoul assault on Krakovar, but has been rebuilt by the Grand Ruchy of Dornig. It is a center for rebel activity and military staging.
  • The people of Wallenbirg are ready to throw off the yoke of the shroud-eaters, but they need someone to undertake the perilous journey north to cement an alliance with the Reaver Dwarves of the Wolfmark, who will take control and protection of the city once the vampires are overthrown.
  • The queen of Krakovar is at Kariessen, along with her brother in law, the Archduke Avgost. They direct what forces remain loyal to them against the Blood Kingdom.
  • The shrine at Liadmura has the symbols of Valeresh depicted on it. This mysterious structure stands against the wind and weather, and between it's pillars is an area that is mild like a spring day at all times.
  • The city of Vallanoria has great military strength and infrastructure--it could be a good target for sabotage.
  • They say Baron Urslav, lord of the city of Vallanoria has a bounty of 1000 gp for any rebel turned into him.
  • The rulers of the Blood kingdom assemble at the palace in Vallanoria for Ghost Night, which marks the start of winter.
  • The Band of the Twice Damned, a mercenary company serving the vampire lords of Morgau, is in Western Krakovar, fighting rebel forces and preying upon villages.
  • The rebels opposing the Blood Kingdom's occupation of Krakovar are split in several factions. There are those loyal to the queen and archduke, the former spies of the king, the shield maidens of Sif, and other more opportunistic mercenaries.
  • The Shield Maidens of Sif are now based out of the city of Jozht in the Wolfmark.
  • One of these mercenary groups, which doesn't care about quarter or rules regarding civilians, is the Grim Accord.
  • Many strange monsters walk the dark lands of the Blood Kingdom, released from the underworld and fell tombs by the undead powers that rule the kingdom.
  • Many caves in the region have entrances to the underworld and the Empire of the Ghouls under Midgard. These are often treacherous and infested with monsters.
  • Direct entrances with easier paths to major cities of the Ghoul Imperium are often heavily guarded locations within the Blood Kingdom.

Fantastic Locations

  • Temple of Ninkash at Gunnacks: A massive feasting hall, with three fire pits, giant boars roasting upon spits. Five keg gollems march about, as dwarves fill massive tankards with the beer. Pillars carved with beer flowing and runic designs line the hall, leading to a massive gilded keg on a platform. Large distillery equipment is behind the ceremonial keg, with arcane symbols, and engraved designs of mighty feasts. The hall bustles with energy, as merry revelers enjoy the feast.
    • At a certain point, the high priestess of Ninkash, Hilda Gunnacksen, appears and the hall falls silent, as she goes and draws a glass of golden brew from the ceremonial keg with a large glass stein. She raises the stein above her head and speaks and invocation to Ninkash, praying for the blessing of the goddess upon all present, that they might be free and fair in their joyous celebration as the days of high summer pass on into the fading of Autumn. She also prays that their axes will bite ever sharp on the morrow.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Ptolus Campaign: Unexpected Turns

My most recent session of my Ptolus campaign took an unexpected turn when the players decided the rates for rooms on Tavern Row in Midtown cost way too much. Where are the cheapest rooms, and where did they go? The Warrens.

The Warrens have a reputation as the roughest and poorest section of Ptolus. The streets are unnamed and the tenements and builds are closely packed. They found an apartment building advertising a vacancy through a scrawled sign directly on the exterior which could have been mistaken for graffiti. They paid a deposit of two months rent and paid the first month upfront for a single room. The room was unfurnished, on the second floor, with warped floorboards, dust and debris scattered about. The window had no glass, just a torn fabric covering fluttering in the breeze. Water damage around the window and mold and mildew throughout completed the scene. Outside in the hallway, individuals with sunken, blackrimmed, and bloodshot eyes quivered with the shakes from the drug shivvel. 

Certainly a far cry from the warm taproom of the Ghostly Minstrel, with its easy access to Delver’s Square and influencial clientel. 

But it’s what the players were interest in roleplaying, and for at least two of them, it made some sense for their backstories (one is a con artist, and the other grew up in the Warrens but left the city for a long time).

But more than that, it was an interesting exercise in completely improvising an environment and events that occurred, like their trip to an eatery down the street that resulted in one trying a drug for the first time and playing Peg the Tom (the knife between the fingers game) in a high stakes bet. Or the confrontation in the morning after hearing a scream in the alley outside their house. The Warrens native knew to keep well enough away once he found out it was connected to one of the major crime families.

I've always wanted to try out a gritty, crime driven game. I didn't expect the opportunity to arise so soon. Looking forward to exploring a type of fantasy different from my normal fare.

The bigger takeaway is that it helps to have fictional ideas in your head for these situations. TV shows or movies that tell different stories help prime you for improvisation. The players don't care if you ripped off another form of media—they usually don’t even notice! Reading, playing other games, and watching interesting stories all give us opportunities to learn from and create our own unique stories. The coolest part about tabletop RPGs is that you never know where your players will take you once you jump the rails.

Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen - The Final Battle

Spoilers follow for the adventure... Opening trawl to explain the time jump: The battlefield before Kalaman has been cleaved open with arcan...