Friday, March 22, 2024

Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen - The Fall of Vogler

Spoilers for Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen…

As the draconians of the Red Dragon Army descended upon Vogler, the adventurers attempted to hold off the invaders where possible. They fought alongside two surviving Vogler militiamen, saving one from baaz draconians. Gratefully he handed them a potion of healing and hobbled towards the wharf.

Next a wing draconian descended upon them. This one was large and bulker than those they had previously faced. They swiftly slew him, but Thalis was greviously wounded. They sent him ahead to the boats. Now the village was in flames, and a cat leapt from a nearby rooftop, clutching Davgin's cloak with it's claws and refusing to let go.

The adventurers neared the wharf, moving through the wreaths of smoke as the day died, the sunlight extinguished like Vogler. As they guarded the villagers boarding the boats they heard a voice ring out: "Dragon!"

Fr the smoke emerged a clanking, metallic, shiny dragon-shape on the ground, flanked by the foul draconians. Fire blazed within the metal beast. The draconians swung it, seeming to point it at the Wharfinger's building, then unleashed a massive spurt of flames, igniting the building in an instant. Asterius closed and began to fight the draconians hand-to-hand, and Davgin also closed, holding out his hands and hurling flames of his own. The creatures managed to load the metal monster once more, blasting Fallon and Gringle with flames, and knocking Gringle unconscious. Davgin felled each of the monsters weakened by Asterius' mighty blows, stopping them from burning their friends further.

Then the back wall of the Brass Crab was shattered, sending flinders out into the street. An ogre clad in chain mail strode into the street, clutching a bucket full of fish under her arm, and crunching them inher teeth. 

"Kill these ones!" The ogre ordered two draconians flanking her. 

They charged the adventurers, the ogre hurling a javelin that speared Fallon, knocking her unconscious. Asterius lifted his greataxe, invoking the power of the divine, and reawakening his friends.

Together the adventurers defeated the ogre and its minions. Fallon cast suggestion, ordering one to gather the dishes dropped by the ogre. Asterius struck the ogre, taking out its knee, then splitting its skull open.

They rushed to the final boat, scrambling aboard. Through the smoke a voice rang out: "Hold the boat!"

From the flames stumbled Jayev, falling into the boat, clutching a horned Solamnic helm. "They drove our forces from the field...I found Becklin's helmet, but didn't see what happened to her. The entire army is coming to Vogler."

With that dark news, the last boat pushed off from the wharf, carrying the adventurers down the river toward Kalaman, away from the ruin of Vogler.

The night was dark and cold. The morning turned grey and gloomy, with a drizzle that got into everything, soaking everyone through. Finally the adventurers' boat reached the mouth of the river into the bay on which Kalaman rested. The city's far off towers glinted in the first morning light, and the light of the harbor beacons cut through the fog, guiding white sailed ships into the port

They pulled their boat up a rocky shore on a point about two miles north of the city. Other villagers were already ashore, setting up a camp for the sick and wounded from the long night. Vogler was no more. Its people now refugees.

The adventurers helped several villagers, pulling some youths' boat ashore, helping light fires in the incessant rain, and stopping some young men from robbing another villager.

Moving through the camp they also eventually found Darrett, and gave him the box from Becklin. It contained Solamnic armor. He grateful accepted it, but then asked: "Who will train me as a knight now?"

Asterius considered this for a moment.

"I will take you as a squire and train you as a Solamnic knight." Darrett knelt and swore himself as a squire to Asterius, then rose to continue helping the villagers set up camp.

After a few hours the adventurers realized that Lord Bakaris and his son were missing from the camp. A drawn and tired looking woman near the edge of camp told them "They left a few hours ago. Said they were going to meet the rulers of Kalaman to represent the village."

The adventurers did not believe this, and quickly checked with Mayor Raven, who confirmed she had not dispatched Bakaris. The adventurers hastened towards Kalaman then, to attempt to prevent the pompous noble from doing any great damage to the interests of the villagers.

The adventurers made their way through the city gates and to Castle Kalaman. As the gate guard led them to the council chambers though, they were accosted by Bakaris the Younger.

“Lord Bakaris, my father, has this well in hand. There is no need for common folk and hired help like you to council with your betters!”

“Perhaps child you ought to think before you speak to a Solamnic knight in that tone,” said Asterius, narrowing his eyes like a blood-crazed bull in the ring.

“We are sent by Mayor Raven,” said Fallon. “To represent the true interests of Vogler.”

The guard nods at their words, and pushes Bakaris aside to clear the way to the council chamber. 

With that, they met the governor, Calof Miat, the council members, and Marshall Nestra Vendri.

“Your liege-lord, Bakaris Uth Estide, was just relating to us know he led the Valiant defense and retreat from Vogler, saving the lives of so many. You are lucky to have one such as he to lead you."

"This snake speaks lies, my Lord Governor. The leader of Vogler is Mayor Raven Uth Vogler, who even now ministers to the sick and wounded dying on the banks of the Vingaard to your North. She sends us to implore your help and aid for the people and their children that have fled the catastrophic attack on Vogler," said Asterius.

"This minotaur corsair speaks lies my good governor. When did you ever even hear of one of his kind bringing good tidings or the truth?"

The governor surveyed the two sides, seeming to consider their words.

"Indeed. We shall have to investigate how we can assist the refugees of Vogler. Similar attacks have occurred on settlements in Estwilde and to the South, but this is the largest attack we have seen. Perhaps Marshall Vendri has some questions for you about the enemy forces?"

GM Reflections

This session essentially followed the book for the most part. The invasion and fall of Vogler have some good random encounters and description. My players are over leveled, but they really needed it to beat the draconians and the ogre in the final fight. I've been surprised at how tough the draconians can be. The battlefield actions on initiative count zero really make scenes set in a larger battle very dynamic and compelling. I think creating tables like them for various battle situations could be a helpful resource, and I may do that to support future warfare campaigns. 

Kalaman strikes me as a bit of a missed opportunity. The gazetter of the city doesn't have much meat at all, nor are there many points of interest, leaving the GM to flesh out things to "help the characters care about it" as the adventure says to do. 

I've also excised the annoying "make Darrett the party patron and remove them from meaningful decisions to railroad them the rest of the campaign. Next session we'll be developing their martial regiment (from Kingdoms & Warfare) to place the characters firmly in the driver's seat for the rest of this campaign. Darrett is a Solamnic squire to the knight in the party as he should have been all along.

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