Saturday, March 30, 2024

Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen - The Avengers of the Crossing

Spoilers follow for the adventure...

After the council of Kalaman had deliberated for far too long for their liking, the adventurers were ushered back into the meeting chamber.

"We have considered your words and the plight of your people," said governor Miat. "We will provide aid and shelter for the refugees of Vogler, but it comes with conditions. Our own resources are stretched in these troubled times, and we will need assistance protecting our own and now your people. Marshall Vendri, would you explain your idea?"

The marshall stood, leaning toward on the oak table.

"Your account of the battle for Vogler was impressive and compelling. You are formidable warriors. We ask that you form a martial company of those able-bodied survivors of Vogler, along with any others you can recruit, to assist us with the defense of Kalaman. We need every sword we can muster to defeat this threat."

The adventurers considered the offer, then nodded in assent. Marshall Vendri's hard eyes crinkled as she gave a thin smile.

"This is welcome news. We also ask that at least one of you take an oath of allegiance to Kalaman, becoming an officer of our military and gaining the title Esquire of Kalaman. Not all of you need take it, and those who do are of course able to undertake other personal business during your time at liberty not engaged in our defense. You will be released from your oath when the conflict is over. Who of you will take the oath?"

Gringle stepped forward, chuckling to himself.

"Well, I will take your oath!"

Asterius watched the small goblin for a moment.

"As will I."

Marshall Vendri then directed them to raise their right hand while resting their left upon their weapon, and repeat her words.

"By the strength to wield this weapon gifted by Kiri-Jolith, I swear to uphold the defense of Kalaman and protection of her people above any personal endeavor or desire, even until death or the wardens of Kalaman release me from my bond."

They both repeated the oath. The marshall nodded in witness of their words.

"Now, we will provide you as many resources as we can spare to aid you in mustering your troops, and will provide you lodging within Castle Kalaman. Additionally we will provide a small weekly allowance to you as officers of Kalaman that you can use to defray the costs of some of your efforts."

She then called one of the guards and directed them to guide the adventurers to their quarters.

As they walked through the large castle, Davgin and Asterius noted the Solamnic motifs in the architecture, along with the art, showing the fortress to be an ancient hold of the Solamnic knights.

Soon they arrived at their quarters in a large disused ballroom on the fourth floor of the castle. Several rooms that were onc3 likely parlours adjoined the large room. Cots, tables, and some crates sat in the once opulent room, hastily placed there based on the resent disturbance of the layer of dust and crumbling plaster than coated the floor. The ceiling displayed a faded painting of Solamnic knight marching onto a field of green in battle array. Intricate crown molding outlined this and the three grand chandeliers of gleaming crystal. A large fireplace that looked long disused took up a large portion of the long interior wall and bright windows stretching from floor to ceiling let in the dazzling sunlight.

The adventurers immediately began arranging their equipment and settling into the space. Soon they were seated at the table, surveying a map of Kalaman and the surrounding region along with some reports furnished by Marshall Vendri's aid. They also began drawing up the charter for their company. Davgin suggested that the company be named "Avengers of the Crossing," to which the others arged after some short debate. Gringle idly drew an emblem as they discussed plans, and when lunch arrived from the castle kitchens everyone agreed that they would use Gringle's picture as their symbol and on their battle standards.

Their plans and discussion went long into the night...

GM Reflections

This is where I have chosen to depart fairly significantly from the adventure as written. I felt as I've mentioned before that the characters really need to be able to make meaningfully choices, and the best way I saw to do that was to put them in command. Most of the session was spent making decisions about their martial organization following the rules of Kingdoms & Warfare. We’ll see how my experience implementing the system for the first time goes. Moving through intrigue and trying to explain it to players is a bit difficult, and there’s a lot that isn’t necessarily intuitive about that system. But I would like them to be able to make a tangible impact on the Red Dragon Army’s operations throughout the adventure.

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