Saturday, March 2, 2024

The Map for My First Game


I created the map above with Inkarnate for my first campaign, which used the book Ghosts of Saltmarsh. Although the players never left the environ of Saltmarsh, as you can see I had some high ambitions for their eventual travels. Unfortunately I had yet to understand or create strong adventure hooks for them to pull them towards the other locations pictured here. This map is partially based on a world map I created in my early teens which also was focused around a Mediterranean-type central sea. The Moonstone Isle predated that map, and was the origin of two orders of knights (both good and evil) that featured prominently in a fantasy land I build with Legos when I was around eight or nine (those orders of knights bore a great deal in common with the Jedi and Sith too, because I was a huge Star Wars fan and wanted to use my Star Wars minifigures in my fantasy setting). The adventure also mentioned Iuz, and because I wasn’t familiar at all with Greyhawk I intended to make him a ruler in my own dark lands which are placed further to the East.

You’ll note that I had picked up my copy of Ptolus by the time I made this. The rest of the locations minus those near Saltmarsh that are on its own regional maps are either my creation or my spins on the results from random generators I found online.

I love making maps. When I have a chance to dig them out of a keepsake box I’ll post some scans of the original hand drawn maps I made as a young kid. There’s something magical about laying out a new world or poring over someone else’s map and enjoying the wonder of learning about each of the mysterious locations.

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