Saturday, April 27, 2024

Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen - Enemy Raids in the Countryside

Table of Contents

Spoilers follow for the adventure…

After defending Rookledust's home from the Dragon Army goblins. She invited them into the house, which they found to be filled with various mechanical contraptions, parts, books, and junk. As she brewed them tea they discovered that the tinker gnome had provided a fire blasting weed killer to a man in black and red armor. He'd wanted it with detailing added to make it look like a dragon.

"I thought it was quite strange at the time," she said. They noticed lying around amongst the junk were several magic items, like an old spell book, a cape that could give someone the ability to breathe underwater, and a dancing sword. Rookledust also showed them her fargabs, magical devices that enabled people to speak to one another through them from several miles away.

Rookledust agreed to return to Kalaman with them, and they journeyed back without incident, arriving just after dark.

The next day they awoke to a message from Marshall Vendri. Reports indicated that dragon army elements were raiding farms East of Kalaman, and she wanted them to investigate. Additionally a letter from a merchant named Aubreck Drallion arrived requesting that they visit him about a business opportunity, and finally another note from the Mariner's Guild, noting that they needed help with a project that would aid the city's defense. They elected to follow up on the mission from Marshall Vendri with all speed.

The heroes set out immediately, traveling the whole day through a drizzly grey afternoon. They could see the Dargaard Mountains once again, far to the South, before the dark clouds covered them up. 

They knocked on door of kender family’s farm after nightfall in the rain, asking if they had seen soldiers and if they could stay the night. The lender farmer recounted how soldiers had come and taken his pigs after threatening to burn the farm. The soldiers had headed North. The farmer let the adventurers stay in the now empty barn previously occupied by the pigs. 

While Gringle snuggled into a bed of straw and filth, his companions had a more difficult night in the smelly, damp quarters. The next morning Asterius and Davgin still felt exhausted by after the long night of little sleep. After a brief breakfast, they headed North.

Soon the adventurers came upon a fire pit with the carcass of a pig, recently eaten. The embers were still warm. They were close.

A few miles more down the road they came up upon a farmhouse. A group of hobgoblins stood outside with torches and their commander, a human dragon army soldier, ordered them to attack the house and put it to the torch. The heroes charged into battle. Davgin unleashed a bolt of lightning, Gringle fired off arrows, Fallon exhorted her comrades, and Asterius waded into the melee. The battle rapidly turned in their favor after Davgin threw a massive fireball into the midst of their enemies.

The adventurers recovered the pigs following the fight, and returned to arrive at the lender farm once more just before nightfall. The lender slaughted a pig and fed them bacon and pork to celebrate and thank them for the help. Then once more they spent a long night out. Asterius and Fallon elected to sleep outside in what shelter they could find from the rainrather than brave the barn again. They awoke with stiff necks, totally unrested. Gringle once against slept happily with the pigs. Davgin found a warm spot after climbing up to the rafters and spent his night comfortably there.

The next morning they began their return journey to Kalaman, ready with their report for Marshal Vendri. As they drew near Kalaman they spotted a group of tiredly looking soldiers marching from aways off. Gringle rode ahead of the group to investigate and was delighted to discover Cudgel and the remnants of her mercenary company. Cudgel immediately requested to enlist herself and the remaining soldiers in the heroes' company. The adventurers gratefully accepted and the whole group returned to Vogler together.

GM Reflections

This session was fun, but didn't really move the story along. I pulled it from the missions that are part of this section of the campaign around Kalaman, and also included some missions from Ghosts of Saltmarsh as sidequests. My players noted that that they are interested in finishing the story but want to move onto something new sooner than later. So while I'll still run one of the side missions I'll probably start pushing the adventure along a bit faster.

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