Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Empire of the Ghouls: Journey North - Freehold of Obertal

Encounter with Griffon knights. Parley after wounded and went to Obertal. Talked with NPCs. Prepared for journey to Gunnacks. Korwyn asked about the weather, Rolan asked for advice on the trail, and Frost prepared their supplies. They came across a massacre of mountain shepherds, frozen under a small lake by mysterious magical means. Then they spotted the ruins of the Dwarfhold of Siberian South of the road on the hillside. They saw an entrance to the lower levels and went in to explore when they were attacked by giant albino bats.

Strong Start:

Encounter with Griffon Knights seeking a 100 gp toll on the Mountain Road near Obertal.

Review the Characters:

Korwyn: Minotaur sailor searching for the former captain of his ship who led them against the Dragon Empire. He thinks the captain may have been sent as a slave into the Ghoul Empire or the Blood Kingdom.

Frost: Winterfolk halfling traveling for adventure and to help his tribe. Going North in response to letter from Grigori about joining Krakovar rebels in Kariessen. 

Rolan: Arbonesse elf also going North with his comrades. Is skeptical of his faith and the recent visions of the World Trees he has had.

Secrets & Clues:

  • The Dwarves of Gunnacks are great traders, taking their mule trains South to the Magyar Kingdom and even far Eastwards onto the Rothenian Plain.
  • Grisal, the Black Canton, is the home of grim dwarven paladins and warriors. It must constantly be on guard against the threat of the undead of Morgau. 
  • The Graveslayers of Grisal are great experts on fighting the undead from long years and great losses. They say the names of their dead fill the walls of the entryway to the Great Hall of the canton.
  • A great number of Krakovan refugees have fled to Grisal as a refuge.
  • Krakovan rebels seem to treat Kariessen as a base of operations. 
  • The Bosom of Ninkash is a temple to the goddess of beer that offers food and lodging to all travelers in Gunnacks.
  • The dwarves of Gunnacks plan to host an axe throwing contest through kegs of ale on the morrow. Dwarves from around the region have come to watch.
  • The Griffon knights of Obertal hold the fort for Zobeck, but demand a toll from those who pass.
  • The abandoned dwarfhold of Sibertal is in the foothills of the pass on the Mountain Road South of Gunnacks.
  • Sibertal was an early settlement of the Dwarfs when they came South to settle the Ironcrag Cantons, conquering the former lands of the elves during the Great Retreat, 482 years ago.
  • A magical plague, released during the Great Mage Wars, devastated Sibertal.
  • The ancient Northern Elves sided against Wotan and Thor in the Vanir war alongside the giants and the fey. Dwarves were created to counter them.
  • The Southern elves came later, traveling to Midgard from the Summerlands. 
  • Other abandoned dwarf mines dot the hills.

Fantastic Locations:

Freehold of Obertal

Garrison: Six Dwarven Veterans (CR 3), four Human Scouts with Riding Horses, twelve Kobold chefs, servants, and grooms. Sir Gismondo and Lady Edeltraud. 

Mountain Road leads to Gunnacks, and forks to go either North towards Grisal and Dornig or West towards other Dwarven Cantons. Small dwarf holds, shepherds huts, and other safe places are built into caverns or along brooks.

Abandoned mine:


Obertal Map:


Sibertal Map:


From the Midgard Worldbook:

“A canton typically encompasses a set of halls—not just mines and simple shelter. Proper halls include a set of forges or smelters, a brewery, a set of clan homes, and at least one temple or shrine.”


Dalad Gunnacksen: Male dwarve caravan master. Has traveled far and wide. Employed Frostbane once on a journey to Misto Kolis, the nomadic city of wheels. Red beard. Wears many colorful gemstone rings and a thick gold chain.

Kaldosh Gunnacksen: Boorish dwarven axe thrower who jeers at the adventurers during the axe throwing contest. Distant cousin to Dalad, but has a light brown beard plaited into two forked points. Drinks excessively, even for the priests of Ninkash.


Griffon Knights (see above)

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