Friday, November 8, 2024

Lore book: Travails of Nithtari

The following lore book was written for the players in my ongoing Ptolus campaign about the story of St. Nithtari, a religious figure for the Church of the Nine in my own setting. This lore book is intended to provide some interesting stakes and information to the life cleric who is a devotee of the saint.

This slim, leather volume is handwritten, with a few sparse illuminated images in the margins of the story of Nithtari. It speaks of the village of Gravnahein in a high valley of the Stonemourn Mountains, outlining the ancestry of its rulers down to Nithtari, “the bane of the fell workings of her forefathers, and mother to rebirth.” 

It notes the parentage of “horned ones,” derived from foul consorting with fiends that led to this family, worshippers of the “Fell King of the Deep and Outer Dark.” Craven and devoted to power, Lord Karcius, uncle of Nithtari, ruled the village with an iron fist from his fortress, Fanghold. It is recounted that Karcius “knew the evil roads and caves to walk the world of devils and swear his soul face to face.” It is implied a great evil, called only “Liar of the Gibbet,” held power over Karcius, making him an evil knight, empowered but damned for eternity.

The legend is unclear on the details, but notes that Nithtari saved her village from the “unholy tide of Karcius’ follies,” and achieved rebirth as an angel under the power of the “Grim Lord of the Nine.”

The book contains an invocation against evil and undeath,  which can be cast as an action, granting advantage on an attack against a fiend or undead. This property may be used once per day when holding the book in one hand.

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