Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Homebrew World: Seven Truths

To give players an idea of what my setting is about, and help guiding them as far as themes I enjoy during character creation I created the following list:

1. The World is Wide and Untamed. Maps won’t always be exact and the places between settlements are dangerous, haunted by great beasts and mystical monsters. Only the bravest travel between settlements and few have travelled across continents. Monsters exist in the wilderness and don’t care if they are overpowered for your party’s level—you may need to run.

2. There is Great Darkness in the World, but Where There is Darkness There Arise Heroes. There is real evil, and horrors from the void and realms of nightmares in the world. But, your character can literally reshape the world. Their actions determine history, changing reality with every choice. The goals you create and discuss with the GM become reality in this world, and can change it for the better.

3. Politics and Choices Drive Conflict. Your character’s affiliations and beliefs shape the world. The world has been shaped by an empire that now only seems to exist in name. Great heroes and villains can seize power and gain influence in the far flung fiefdoms, remote villages, and most cosmopolitan cities. Criminal, political, religious, and economic groups vie for power and need to be engaged with, otherwise their choices will still affect you.

4. Blank Spaces Need to be Filled In. There’s still plenty of room in the world. Your ideas for a village, an organization, or whatever to fill in a character backstory are welcome. There may be something that exists, or maybe you can help create that lore. You just need to ask to find out.

5. Gods, Angels, Demon, and Devils are Real. There are great forces for good and evil, fighting for the eternal souls of mortal beings. Mortals have the ability to choose what and whom they serve. There still exists ambiguity and moral complexity, meaning celestial and fiends are more complicated than they might first appear.

6. There are Infinite Worlds, and You Can Go to Them. There are many worlds, where the gods and angels live, along with demons, devils, and all manner of beings. Part of adventures in this world is discovering the secret portals, hidden paths, magical machines, and arcane lore that allows you to walk between worlds and explore the wider universe.

7. If it Exists in Roleplaying Games, There’s Probably a Place for it Here. Most concepts and ideas can be included in the world if you express that you are interested and are willing to work with the GM to modify them to fit the setting and style.

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