Saturday, May 11, 2024

Delve Dungeon Concept Submission

Bob Worldbuilder solicited dungeon concepts as part of his Delve Kickstarter. Below is my initial idea:

The eldritch lair of an elder aboleth, warped by the nightmares of the alien being, on an island covered in the glowing fungi and rune etched ruins of an ancient advanced civilization in an underground sea.

After edits to ensure the text fit in the 200 character minimum:

The eldritch lair of an elder aboleth, warped by the nightmares of the alien being on an isle covered in glowing fungi and the rune etched ruins of an ancient advanced civilization on underground sea.

After a final editing pass:

The eldritch lair of an elder aboleth, warped by the alien's eternity of nightmares, on an isle covered by fungi and the rune etched ruins of an ancient advanced civilization on an underground sea.

After a final, final pass, this was submitted:

The eldritch lair of an elder aboleth, warped by the alien's eternal nightmares, on an isle covered by fungi and the rune etched ruins of an ancient advanced civilization on an underground sea.

The winner of the contest will have their dungeon concept turned into one included in the final book. First it has to be reviewed by the campaign creators, who will choose their favorite proposals and put them to a vote by backers.

If they don't take it, I will probably still make this dungeon...and perhaps post it here or as a product. We'll see...


My concept wasn’t chosen, but I will definitely look at eventually building a dungeon based upon it.

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