Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Traveller Play by Post Campaign Character

An old friend of mine who I tipped off to Traveller just invited me to join a play-by-post campaign. I am very excited! 

For character creation allowed us to use the core generation in Classic Traveller Book I, and in Supplement 4: Citizens of the Imperium.

The character I created is:

Jaek Aksel
Former Diplomat 1st Secretary 
Age: 30
Skills: Liaison-1, Instruction-1, Forgery-2, Winged Craft-1, Gambling-2, Dagger-1, Streetwise-1
Mustering out: 40,000cr, Low Psg, High Psg, High Psg
UPP: 88A772

We are beginning in a subsector my friend created called Edel-4, or “The Belt.” This is the beginning blurb I wrote about Jaek’s motivation to go there:

“Former 1st Secretary Jaek Aksel was an unlikely candidate for the diplomatic service as the son of a poor family on one of the corporate hive worlds. His application would have been tossed out had Ambassador Ulric Harcrow not recognized his true talents as someone who could do the unsavory work of diplomacy in the background. Doomed never to advance into the upper ranks of the service due to his social status, Jaek served faithfully and well until he was no longer needed. Scapegoated when negotiations with a renegade noble house went awry, he was summarily discharged from the service. Seeking a new beginning where his unique skills could be put to good use, he took passage to Edel-4.”

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