Sunday, May 26, 2024

My Homebrew World: The Nine Gods

I really enjoy developed lore about the deities and cosmology of my fantasy worlds. It may be from reading the Belgariad as a kid or any number of fantasy series, but the idea of clerics and paladins choosing a god and fighting evil—or maybe being evil from a different point of view because of their fanatical beliefs—is intriguing. 

This post is intended for players. I will provide a GM only addendum eventually which will include secrets and potential adventure hooks. Gods from other materials can be incorporated by considering them an aspect or a different name for a similar deity, much like we see in real world history. Gender and other details may be swapped, but you can often treat them as literally being the same as other gods not included here.

You may also notice that at the time this is published originally that there remain many blank spaces for associated angels and saints. This is because those articles have not been written yet. Once they are up I will add the names and link to the respective articles.

The Nine

The Church worships the Nine as a collective. Thus the Church acknowledges all Nine in its iconography—and expressly prohibits any appeals to the Dark Ones. However, largely the Church encourages appeals to the Cascades of Saints or the Heavenly Choruses of Angels for intercession on the petitioner’s behalf to the Nine, which is why most clerics of the Church have patron Saints or Angels that they venerate. There are still however those who beseech one or more of the Nine directly.


Title(s): The Warrior, The Chief of Warlords, Master of the Noble Hunt
Alignment: CG
Domain(s): Hunt, Knowledge, Nature, War
Associated Paladin Oaths: Ancients, Battle, Conquest, Devotion, Eagle
Associated Angels: 
Associated Saints: St. Navrejar, St. Tevra 

Toutatis is the warrior deity of the pantheon of the Nine. Devotees of Toutatis are often martial-types, or warrior paladins, or even rangers or barbarians that wander the deep woods and high peaks. Toutatis the patron of many warrior angels and saints, and their respective orders. But his worshippers may also be found in deep groves or in mountain hollows open to the sky as well as in stone temples and citadels.


Title(s): The Gentle Sleep, The Resting Grave, Change and Decay, The Grim Lord
Alignment: N
Domain(s): Grave, Darkness, Death, Demonology, Life, Peace, Corruption, Vermin, Repose
Associated Paladin Oaths: Devotion, 
Associated Angels: Dalquiel
Associated Saints: St. Nithtari

Lucan represents the inevitability of death. He not evil, rather Lucan represents the natural consequences of life and magic. He abhors the undead, liches, and others who prolong their lives through unnatural means. Lucan also represents the inevitable decay that exists in the duality of life and growth progressing into corruption, decay, and death. His followers seek to destroy the undead, specializing in hunting necromancers and those who would disturb the sleeping dead. He hates the followers of Orcus and demons in general for meddling with the order of the universe. Lucan is said to reside in the realm of shadows that mirrors the mundane world where he sends souls on their way to the outer realms. Other souls linger in the shadow plane, endlessly waiting for release from whatever holds them bound to it and the material plane.


Title(s): The Cunning, The Stranger, The Gambler, Master of Lies, Weaver
Alignment: CG
Domain(s): Arcana, Avarice, Labyrinth, Travel, Speed, Trickery, Portal, Void
Associated Paladin Oaths: Acquisitions, 
Associated Angels: 
Associated Saints: St. Lukricus, St. Samira

Cernunnos is a trickster god, and although he is good at the core, can be capricious. He is also a god of travelers, and those who entrust their lives and fortunes to chance, like gamblers. Cernunnos is described in myths as often playing tricks on the other gods or seeking to engage them in riddles. Sphinxes and similar creatures often are said to be descended from Cernunnos due to this predilection. He also is said to be the grandfather of the fey lords and ladies, and to animal spirits, all creatures that display cunning and cleverness. Many rogues revere him for these traits. Cernunnos also represents the shifting nature of magic and it is said that once when he transformed into a spider he woven the threads of magic that crisscross the universe, acting as a fount of arcane magic, particularly for those who study ley line magic.


Title(s): Father of Dust, Flamebringer, The Tempest, The Wave
Alignment: CN
Domain(s): Creation, Life, Light, Air, Fire, Earth, Nature, Tempest, Water, Wind
Associated Paladin Oaths: Ancients, Battle, Eagle, Elements
Associated Angels: 
Associated Saints: 

Caturix is an old god, perhaps older than the others, and represents the power of the elements. The Inner Planes and the building blocks of the universe were created by him. Though the various jinn of these planes have differing stories about their creation and lineage these may be references to various aspects of Caturix. He may also be linked to many sorcerers gifted with elemental magic. He is also worshiped under various names by druidic circles.


Title(s): The Hammer, Anvil of Truth, Master of all Makers, Exalted Artificer, The Chains of Eternity 
Alignment: LN
Domain(s): Avarice, Creation, Clockwork, Forge, Light
Associated Paladin Oaths: Acquisitions, Devotion, Eagle, 
Associated Angels: 
Associated Saints: 

Brigid is the smith and armorer of the gods. She is a versatile crafter, capable of working all mediums, and is thus a patron of creation, art, and innovation. Even some bards worship Brigid, desiring that their lays be as fine and cunningly wrought as her weapons and precious gem-set treasures. The dwarves and elf’s hold Brigid in high regard, although they know her by many other names. It is said she takes her materials from the Inner Planes to ensure the greatest purity from Caturix material creations. She also is said to inspire inventors and artificers of all types. She is said to have forged the chains that prevent fiends and celestials from running rampant across the planes, requiring them to be summoned by manipulation of her chains and Cernunnos’ magical weave.


Title(s): Lady of the Four Winds, The Breathe of the World, The Glittering Dragon, She of Might and Terror, The Appointed Destroyer, The End of All Things
Alignment: CN
Domain(s): Apocalypse, Arcana, Dragon, Knowledge, Tempest, Nature, Ocean, Serpent, War, Wind
Associated Paladin Oaths: Battle, Conquest, Eagle, 
Associated Angels: 
Associated Saints: St. Navrejar

Tsovinar is sister to Tiamat. In ancient times their battles tore the sky and sent wind and wave flying, destroying all in its path. Until Tiamat was cast into the Lower Realms and bound. Tsovinar is revered by all good dragons, no matter what the shade of their scales, but is often considered the mother of gemstone dragons. Those who seek the might of dragons or to emulate them are often followers of Tsovinar. She is a powerful god of storms, often worshipped by sailors and travelers desiring good weather. It is said that when the world reaches its true end, if it is not consumed by some evil deity in a terrible apocalypse, that Tsovinar will heed Lucan and Wontor’s command to end the world, retiring it from all violence and blood that is waged and spilt upon it, and giving it eternal rest from the evil of mortals.


Title(s): Fairest, Beauty of the Dew and Dusk
Alignment: CN
Domain(s): Avarice, Beauty, Wine (Beer), Moon, Nature 
Associated Paladin Oaths: Acquisitions, 
Associated Angels: 
Associated Saints: St. Lukricus

Culsani is a goddess most identified with love and loss of inhibition. She is worshiped by festival and party-goers, but also is particularly highlighted at weddings and other events marking the possibilities of a new beginning. She also is said to love the gardens in moonlight, garnering her the devotion of many nature and moon focused clerics. While not evil, she can be unpredictable and cruel with her beauty and quick wit. 


Title(s): The Silvered Dragon, The Dragon Emperor, Unyielding 
Alignment: LN
Domain(s): Arcana, Judgement, Justice, Balance, Dragon, Mountain, Order, Serpent, Speed
Associated Paladin Oaths: Battle, Conquest, Devotion, Eagle, 
Associated Angels: 
Associated Saints: St. Orpheus

Tarin is the third of the three dragon gods, consort and nemesis to both Tsovinar and Tiamat. He is the rock of the mountains, unyielding against the storms of the others. Revered by good dragons of all types and those who admire dragons, Tarin is stubborn in dispensing justice and order. He cannot tolerate creatures of disorder and is said to dislike Cernunnos intensely..


Title(s): The One-Eyed God, Father Time, Raven-Eyed
Alignment: LG
Domain(s): Arcana, Life, Knowledge, Apocalypse, Creation, Civilization, Martyr, Portal, Prophecy 
Associated Paladin Oaths: Ancients, Ascetics, Battle, Conquest, Devotion, Eagle, 
Associated Angels: 
Associated Saints: St. Adelard, St. Nithtari, 

Wontor is often said to be the leader of the gods. This may or may not be true, but at the least he is renown for his knowledge and power. He is said to be gifted the power of making and unmaking and will be there at the world’s end. Often depicted as missing an eye, he is said to see the bridge between worlds. Those who seeks knowledge and magical power, tempered by wisdom and good are seekers of Wontor.

The Dark Ones


Title(s): The Dark One
Alignment: CE
Domain(s): Apocalypse, Avarice, Hunger, War, Corruption, Darkness, Death, Demonology, Madness, Void
Associated Paladin Oaths:
Associated Angels: 
Associated Saints: 

Chergoth may be a mask of various demon lords, primarily Orcus. Or he may be a distinct entity, ruling the lower realm of Gahenna. He is generally recognized as distinct from Asmodeus, who is largely ignored in the theology of the Nine, although its clerics will not dispute the existence of the King of the Hells.


Title(s): The Dark Serpent
Alignment: LE
Domain(s): Apocalypse, Avarice, Darkness, Dragon, Serpent, Tyranny
Associated Paladin Oaths:
Associated Angels: 
Associated Saints: 

Called the dark serpent, the goddess Tiamat is sister to Tsovinar and sometimes consort, most time enemy of Tarin. Her battles with these other gods are legendary. Legend say that Tiamat is bound in chains by the gods, but her loyal followers seek to restore her and lift her up to rule over the Nine.

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