Monday, December 16, 2024

Ptolus Campaign: Shurnas’ Diary

This lore book was written for my Ptolus campaign. It was found in the lair of a cultist who murdered a colleague of his who also worked at the Imperial University as a lecturer.

Shurnas’s Diary

This small notebook contains scribbles and doodles of the symbol of the Ebon Hand and the Tolling Bell. It contains entries by date. Some discuss Shurnas’ visits to the Temple of the Ebon Hand, including a garbled description of a “maze of confusion” where he found the way guided by “faith in the Ebon Hand, until he obtained its blessing.” It is unclear what this references. 

It speaks further of hearing the true word from someone called "Wuntad," and the word sounding like "the call of the Tolling Bell, signaling the passing away of this realm and the rise of the Galchutt."

Other entries complain about work and colleagues, with particular ire for someone named Uvalius. The entire grow darker in their imaginings off various modes of Uvalius' death. The most recent entry simply states "The job is finally finished," with a large stylized bell.

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