Monday, December 23, 2024

TTRPG Campaign Idea List

Image is by Kleoite, and used under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license 

I was thinking about the various campaign ideas I’ve had, and thought it might be a worthwhile exercise to write down all of the campaign ideas or short concepts I’ve thought of as sort of a wishlist. This will evolve over time, but it helps me to externalize some of these ideas so I have a reference to come back to later on.

Some GMs seem to run the same published scenarios multiple times. Based on the number of ideas I have and games I would like to play, I personally don’t have that luxury. There are so many stories I’d love to try that I personally don’t feel a desire to revisit any previous ones right now—I might repurpose material or use a specific scenario from one, but life is too short to do things over again.

Past Campaigns 

Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen

Lost Mines of Phandelver

Ghosts of Saltmarsh

Current Campaigns 

Ptolus (various adventures)

Empire of the Ghouls

Campaign Wishlist

1. Broken Weave campaign—a sandbox exploration campaign over multiple generations of player characters using Cubicle7’s Broken Weave supplement.

2. Mercenary Company Campaign 

3. Northlands of Midgard Campaign 

4. Eberron Pulp Adventure: Exploring Xen’drik 

5. Mharoti Empire Midgard Campaign: Not sure if I want to do an overthrow the Empire or a work for the Empire within the caste system game.

6. Southlands Campaign: I’d like to take advantage of the great material focusing on non-Western cultural experiences in the Southlands of Midgard.

7. Planegea Clan Based Stone Age Campaign

8. Valikan Clans-Saga of the Seasons: Game in the Grimhollow setting using the prewritten adventure.

9. Epic Underdark Campaign: Mash up of Out of the Abyss, Rise of the Drow, and potentially Night Below.

10. Birthright Campaign: Play a long campaign using the For Gold & Glory retroclone rules along with the original Birthright books.

11. Tyranny of Dragons in my own setting: Play out a modified version of the Tyranny of Dragons adventure path in my own setting, potentially with warfare rules to set up the final battle with the Dragon Cult. It might be cool to play with 13th Age as the system.

12. Light of Xaryxis: Short Campaign through the pre written Spelljammer adventure.

13. Rappan Athuk Dungeoncrawl/Sandbox Campaign

14. Slumbering Tsar Dungeoncrawl/Sandbox Campaign

15. Planehopping Campaign using Classic Planescape adventures, along with additions from Monte Cook’s Path of the Planebreaker.

16. Traveller Sandbox Campaign

17. Trail of Cthulhu Eternal Lies campaign

18. Warband-Domain Campaign in the Remnants of the Empire in my setting: Heavy focus on building an army and capturing domains and strongholds as characters work up from leading a small warband to contesting the imperial throne. Potentially using the Shadowdark system.

19. Band of Blades Campaign: Game using the same named book and system from Evil Hat Games.

20. Storm King’s Thunder Campaign-Slightly modified version of the campaign.

21. Descent to Avernus in my own setting: Transplant the adventure into my own world.

22. Acquisitions Incorporated Themed Campaign 

23. Shadow of the Demon Lord Short Campaign: A short campaign with Shadow of the Demon Lord Rules, leveling up after each session. Each session is episodic, taking characters from level 1 to 10.

24. Court of the Shadowfey: Playthrough the Kobold Press adventure with slight modifications.

25. Curse of Strahd/Domains of Dread: Yes, one day, I would like to play through this 5e adventure, called the greatest of the edition by some. May restrict characters to options from the 2014 PHB, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, and Von Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft.

26. Eberron Last War Campaign: Play a company of soldier or military leaders of the Five Nations during the Last War. Explore major battles, significant events like the creation of the Warforged, and the Mourning.

27. Superhero Campaign: Using the Cypher System, play through a classic comic superhero style campaign.

28. Scarlet Citadel Campaign

29. Grimhollow Campaign: Not sure where, but a campaign set in Ghostfire Game’s Grimhollow setting.

30. Waterdeep Dragonheist: Try out the Alexandrian Remix.

31. Short Playthrough Wild Beyond the Witchlight: I don’t think this adventure needs to take too long, especially with milestone leveling. 

31. Planespanning adventure focusing on the Inner Planes and the City of Brass

32. Mythic Odysseys of Theros Campaign 

33. Ancient Roman or Greek Campaign: Potential using Shadowdark with modified classes and no spells.

34. Dark Sun Campaign: Ever since I heard of Dark Sun, the distinctive setting has intrigued me.

35. An Adventures in Middle-Earth Campaign

36. Band of Blades (Based on Blades in the Dark) Campaign

37. Empire of the Petal Throne Campaign: This setting has come under some controversy due to its creator’s racism, which I want to be sensitive to. While being conscious of that fact, I think there is a great deal of good in this setting and attempting to use and understand it as a creative work still has value.

38. Northern Winter, Rime of the Frostmaiden influenced campaign: I don’t care to run Rime of the Frostmaiden as written, but a campaign set in a harsh Northern environ without just a Viking theme (see the Northlands idea above) could be an interesting survival sandbox with some interesting plot ideas. I’d probably scrape Rime for parts for it.

39. Western Wastes Midgard Campaign: The idea of the post-apocalyptic wastes with rampant magic as opposed to the whole world settings of Arora: Age of Desolation or Broken Weave is interesting. Plus there’s the Wastes of Chaos  sourcebook and interesting history of humans in Midgard to delve into. And lots of weird and wacky monsters that can pop in through rifts, portals, or be the result of terrible accidents of ancient war.

40. Grand Duchy of Dornig Domains Campaign: There are some domain type rules available in Tome of Heroes, which I think are optimal for use with the Grand Duchy and its internal politics. It’s also part of the Midgard Worldbook which I haven’t read yet, so holds some interesting mystique.

41. Regent of Bedegar Short Campaign: Short campaign employing the adventures from MCDM’s Strongholds & Followers and Kingdoms & Warfare

42. Warhammer Space Marine Campaign: Using Wrath & Glory rules.

43. Imperium Maladictum Campaign 

44. Esper Genesis Sci-fi Campaign

That’s probably way too many ideas to ever get through, but there you go. 

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