Monday, December 9, 2024

Warfare Tutorial Scenarios

I have been thinking a lot about how to best introduce the warfare system from MCDM’s Kingdoms & Warfare to new groups of characters. It's not something that gets much treatment in the book, nor did the company give the product much support in Arcadia magazine. While I get the impression that they remain very proud of the product, I wonder if the issues with getting the book shipped to fulfill it's Kickstarter commitments largely distracted from any follow-on efforts to market or provide support for either the warfare system or the intrigue system. Flee Mortals! was also in production, and the OGL crisis also seemed to drive the acceleration of MCDM’s development on its own RPG. 

My personal speculations and thoughts aside, these are some great systems, but they can be difficult to introduce to your players. As add-ons that really work largely regardless of your system, they definitely deserve more attention. I say this because you can certainly modify or ignore martial advantages, domain roles, and domain features depending upon the system you're playing in. The core abstractions of the intrigue and warfare systems can be applied to any setting or genre that you want.

I find it helpful to present a framing scenario that introduces some interesting lore. So I came up with the idea of setting your warfare tutorials on the plane of eternal conflict in the Great Wheel cosmology: Acheron. In the DMG and in Sigil and the Outlands, this plane is described as one of conflict with the spirits of slain warriors battling the followers of various war deities. This framing device means that narratively you can use any units you would like for different battles. You can work from small skirmishes all the way up to massive battles.

Battles in Acheron. A series of battles of increasing complexity to allow players and GMs to grasp the basics of MCDM's warfare rules. 

Use units from Kingdoms & Warfare with new trait:

Endless in Valor. This unit will always reconstitute itself after a battle, as it’s immortal warriors marshal to win greater glory.

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