Monday, February 3, 2025

Empire of the Ghouls - Out of Zobeck

Spoilers for the adventure follow…

After returning to kobold King Koto Crag-Claw’s palace with their prisoners and the rescued Rozalyn Turnyr, the adventurers were treated as heroes. Their efforts cleared Brik’s name and exposed the machinations of the Blood Kingdom against the city council of Zobeck. 

In addition to their treasure reward King Crag-Claw provided them a place to stay indefinitely and they always were guaranteed free meals at the Rampant Roach. Straic was made to pay for the damages to the restaurant and he provided his daughter’s rescuers any smithing services they required free of charge.

They spent the rest of the spring and most of summer in Zobeck then, but kept busy. Korwyn spent much of his time finding and then refurbishing a river boat to use for travel on the river Argent. He found it through a halfling river folk named Ply Waterfroth, who put him in contact with a kobold named Skitter who gave him a great price for the boat. Rolan studied the apothecary tools he’d found, but couldn’t figure them out yet. He also assisted Korwyn with his boat. Frost had Straic make him a fancy set of silver knuckles, and was gifted a sturdier but more battered set of magical brass knuckles by the kobolds. 

Rolan also received a note from a cleric of Valeresh who kept the shrine in Zobeck. He went to visit the shrine and conducted a ritual which resulted in a vision of two world trees burning in the Tomierran forest and in the Northlands. The old cleric assured Rolan that it was a vision of Ragnarok and must be averted. Rolan was more sceptical.

Korwyn received a note from an old shipmate telling him of how the Duke-Admiral of the Republic of Triolo was issuing letters of marque to attack the Mharoti Dragon Empire’s ships. The friend also sent him a magical ring of jumping to wear on his horn. 

Finally, Frost met Dalinda Plainsfoot, an old friend from his time as a caravan guard on the Rothenian Plains. She told old stories and bought a few rounds until eventually sharing that Baba Yaga and the mysterious and fiendish Master of Demon Mountain were both more active on the plains. The master was sending his Tiefling children as emissaries to the Blood Kingdom and Mharoti Empire. Frost listened intently and also purchased supplies for her to take back to the Plainsfoot and Frostbane tribes to aid their wintering on the steppe. 

Finally they all received a letter from Grigori, who has originally hired them to find his girlfriend, recounting how he had returned to his homeland, Krakovar, to join the rebels against the Blood Kingdom and their ghoul allies as revenge for the disappearance of his girlfriend, Illyana.

After conferring together, the adventurers resolved to go North to find the rebels in a city in the Grand Duchy of Dornig where Gregori had directed them. They prepared the boat and brought along Chitter, Skitter’s nephew on their journey up the river Argent. The heroes departed early in the month of High Summer. Autumn and Winter will soon follow. They cleared a trapper’s net blocking the river in the one major happening of the journey North towards the Freehold of Obertal, a two day journey up river from Zobeck to the point where they could no longer navigate the river on their boat, which they had named the Keister.

Tying up the boat on the seventh of High Summer, they saw two griffin knights circling over the ruined fort, possibly portending trouble…

GM Reflections

This was a really fun game. It was the first time this group has played in person. Additionally, everyone enjoyed the downtime activities from A Life Well Lived and the journey rules from Uncharted Journeys. I really opened up the aperture of the adventure, pointing them to corners of the world that relate to their character. They also have me some interesting backstory info that made it easy to create diverse quest hooks. It’s interesting that they are actually still kind of following the main adventure’s quest line. I think blowing this adventure out into a full sandbox is really cool though, because it allows us to explore so much of Midgard’s rich content. It was interesting getting to use the downtime rules not just mechanically, but to facilitate storytelling.

Everyone enjoyed the new systems, but we all agreed that Cubicle7 could have made them easier to present to players through better handouts, like creating a “menu” of downtime options, and the same thing with journey preparations, since it’s difficult to choose these without a list of options. These systems prompted lots of interesting and fun roleplay though, which leads me to my conclusion that Cubicle7 really has delivered on the social and exploration pillars of 5e that have been lacking for so long.

This also marked a major break with the established story in Empire of the Ghouls. I found myself so enjoying the lore of Midgard that I really wanted to simply turn the adventure into a sandbox facilitated by point crawling using the Uncharted Journey rules. Interestingly they still decided to go North, which means I can continue to use the source material. Since they’re going to Grigori and the rebels I’m going to have them do a few missions into Krakovar and the Blood Kingdom, and potentially obtain the Robes of St. Adelind (although they don’t have the quest hook, so that will be more organic). Then they may earn the chance to meet the court in exile and escort Duke Avgost to the Wolfmark. They’ll also have opportunity to investigate the world tree in the Tomierran Forest.

Monday, January 27, 2025

The Labyrinth

The Labyrinth - by Faxfire

A mysterious twisting path, filled with monsters and strange magic and guarded by fearsome minotaurs, the labyrinth is an enigma. What is it? Who built it? And what treasure or terrible secret lies at its center?

While working on the Hedge Maze, I discovered that there is a distinction between a unicursal labyrinth, and a more complex maze, although in the modern sense we treat the terms as synonymous. So I drew a unicursal dungeon. I recommend making each hallway ten feet wide so your players can move freely through the complex. The monsters and secrets you hide within are your own decision. I was also partly inspired by looking at the OSR game Mazes & Minotaurs, available for free, and mentioned by the venerable Dyson Logos in a blog post from over a dozen years ago (take a look at the character sheets if you get the chance--they're gorgeous). Perhaps when I find myself with a bit more time (maybe someday) I'll take a look at that RPG and write up a review. If I'm really ambitious, I'll create a one-shot at least to try it out.

This map is free for your personal use, but it remains copyright to Faxfire.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Tyranny of Dragons Player Introduction

Picture via Pixabay

The Uneasy Peace is ten years old in the Fractured Empire. But while major armies of the Church and the Imperial claimants have set aside their swords for the time being, the lands are far from free of conflict.

Petty rulers and warlords each continue their battles over their small portions of the former imperium. So called “free cities” expand their mercantile control over regions and contend constantly with the scourge of bandits. All while cults of old gods and darker entities craft their plans in their secret lairs and strongholds.

The ancient treasures of bygone days are but a distant memory, not only found on occasion amidst dark ruins. There are many who worship demons and devils, but your region is alight with rumors of dragon worshippers. Magic is strange and foreign, the domain of evil cultists and priest crafts, for you are far from the magical courts of Uquance and the still more distant wonderous city of Ptolus.

You find yourselves at this time, escorting a small caravan from the dwarven trade hold of Steelsmelt to the small town of Thorntide. 

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Your character will start at level 3
  • Your character needs motivation to investigate and oppose the efforts of evil dragon worshipping cultists
  • You’ll have more fun if you try to tailor your character choices and background to the setting and themes mentioned above 
  • Connections to other player characters in your backstory will make roleplaying more fun 
  • You should have character reasons to be heroic, and not just be out for yourself in this campaign 

Character Ancestry Options

These are the available ancestry options for this campaign. These reflect the most common ancestries in the region in which the characters find themselves.

  • Dwarves (Player's Handbook)
  • Elves (Player's Handbook)
  • Gnomes (Player's Handbook)
  • Goblins (Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse)
  • Half-Elves (Player's Handbook)
  • Halflings (Player's Handbook)
  • Half-Orcs (Player’s Handbook)
  • Hobgoblins (Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse)
  • Humans (Player's Handbook)
  • Kobolds (Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse)
  • Orcs (Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse)
  • Tieflings (Player's Handbook)

Additionally, you may reallocate your ancestry ability score increases as you see fit, putting either +2 and +1 in two abilities or a +1 to three abilities.


Choose from the following class options:

  • Barbarian 
  • Bard
  • Beastheart (MCDM)
  • Bloodhunter (DnD Beyond 2022 version)
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Fighter
  • Monk
  • Occultist (KibblesTasty)
  • Paladin
  • Pugilist (Benjamin Huffman)
  • Ranger (Use revised ranger from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything)
  • Rogue
  • Sorcerer
  • Warlock
  • Warlord (KibblesTasty)
  • Wizard

Due to potential balance issues with some classes, this campaign will not feature multiclassing.


Your play through will be greatly enhanced by picking a thematic subclass. Work with the GM to see how a given subclass can be worked into the world. You might have unique or specialized skills from the context of the setting. Particularly thematic choices that will be cool to work into the campaign are in bold. Choose from the following subclasses:

Barbarian Subclasses

Barbarians have heart and spirit. They refuse to give up, fighting through pain to defeat their foes with great strength. Barbarian characters often originate in less populous areas, but are not unknown in cities. Depending on their background they may display various powers or traits.

  • Ancestral Guardian (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Battlerager (Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide)
  • Beast (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Berserker (Player's Handbook)
  • Booming Magnificence (Tome of Heroes)
  • Dragon (Tome of Heroes)
  • Giant (Bigby’s Glory of the Giants)
  • Harrier (Book of the Righteous)
  • Hellfire (Tome of Heroes)
  • Herald (Tome of Heroes)
  • Inner Eye (Tome of Heroes)
  • Instinct (KibblesTasty)
  • Mistwood (Tome of Heroes)
  • Storm Herald (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Thorns (Tome of Heroes)
  • Totem Warrior (Player's Handbook)
  • Wild Magic (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Zealot (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)

Bard Subclasses 

Bards inspire and persuade. While they might be a quintessential bard, performing and singing you can also create bards that are wily politicians with silver tongues, or different flavored magical archetypes (do not think you have to flavor yourself as a bard when you play a bard).

  • Creation (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Echoes (Tome of Heroes)
  • Eloquence (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Entropy (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Fool (KibblesTasty)
  • Four Suits (Griffon's Saddlebag)
  • Glamour (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Grandmother’s Tales (MCDM - Arcadia 8)
  • Greenleaf (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Investigation (Tome of Heroes)
  • Lore (Player's Handbook)
  • Merchantile (Griffon's Saddlebag)
  • Shadows (Tome of Heroes)
  • Sincerity (Tome of Heroes)
  • Springtide (MCDM - Arcadia 2)
  • Swords (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Tactics (Tome of Heroes)
  • Thunder (Kibble’s Compendium of Crafting and Creation)
  • Valor (Player's Handbook)
  • Virtue (Book of the Righteous)
  • Whispers (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)

Beastheart Subclasses 

Beasthearts are warriors closely tied to their animal companions. While rare amongst city dwellers, they are not unheard of. Most beasthearts hail from the wilds or frontier lands where people still have a closer bond with the earth.

  • Ferocious Bond
  • Hunter Bond
  • Infernal Bond
  • Primordial Bond
  • Protector Bond

Bloodhunter Subclasses 

Bloodhunters deal with the dark and gritty side of magic, drawing on a variety of sources for their powers, including fueling their magical effects with their own blood. They are often strong monster hunters and fighters.

  • Dragoon (Ultimate Adventurer’s Handbook)
  • Eye (Ultimate Adventurer’s Handbook)
  • Giantfeller (Ultimate Adventurer’s Handbook)
  • Ghostslayer 
  • Infected Mind (Ultimate Adventurer’s Handbook)
  • Lycan
  • Mutant
  • Profane Soul

Cleric Subclasses

Clerics act in many roles but in all of them they serve a divine force or deity. Some are village priests. Others are powerful holy warriors. Others are counselors to kings and queens. Still others preside over the churches of their gods. 

  • Air (Book of the Righteous)
  • Anathema (MCDM - Arcadia 9)
  • Arcana (Player's Handbook)
  • Atonement (MCDM - Arcadia 9)
  • Balance (Book of the Righteous)
  • Beauty (Book of the Righteous)
  • Beer (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Creation (Book of the Righteous)
  • Death (Dungeon Master’s Guide)
  • Dragon (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Earth (Book of the Righteous)
  • Fire (Book of the Righteous)
  • Forge (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Grave (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Hunt (Tome of Heroes)
  • Judgement (KibblesTasty)
  • Justice (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Knowledge (Player's Handbook)
  • Life (Player's Handbook)
  • Light (Player's Handbook)
  • Martyr (KibblesTasty)
  • Mercy (Tome of Heroes)
  • Moon (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Mountain (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Nature (Player's Handbook)
  • Ocean (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Order (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Pantheist (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Portal (Tome of Heroes)
  • Prophecy (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Repose (Book of the Righteous)
  • Serpent (Tome of Heroes)
  • Shadow (Tome of Heroes)
  • Speed (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Tempest (Player's Handbook)
  • Travel (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Trickery (Player's Handbook)
  • War (Player's Handbook)
  • Water (Book of the Righteous)
  • Wind (Tome of Heroes)

See the specific campaign for potential restrictions on cleric subclasses and the deities you can select. If a cleric offends their deity they can switch their subclass to the Anathema domain if they choose to remain in opposition to the god or pantheon. Alternatively a cleric can switch to the Atonement domain to signal a journey back from such transgression. Consult with your GM if you’re interested in trying out these subclasses mid-campaign. Alternatively you can start at first level with one of these subclasses if you prefer to be at odds with your deity or want to be striving to regain their good graces. Atonement also is part of the portfolios of some gods.


Druid Subclasses

Druids are uniquely tied to nature, drawing upon natural forces of magic. Their druidic circles offer them unique powers, and are often organizations to which they belong.

  • Ash (Tome of Heroes)
  • Bees (Tome of Heroes)
  • Crystals (Tome of Heroes)
  • Dragons (Griffon's Saddlebag)
  • Dreams (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Elements (KibblesTasty)
  • Green (Tome of Heroes)
  • Grove (KibblesTasty)
  • Land (Player's Handbook)
  • Moon (Player's Handbook)
  • Sand (Tome of Heroes)
  • Shapeless (Tome of Heroes)
  • Shepherd (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Spores (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Stars (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Stones (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Sun (KibblesTasty)
  • Wild (KibblesTasty)
  • Wildfire (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Wind (Tome of Heroes)

Fighter Subclasses 

Fighters are specialists in the art of war, training themselves and their comrades to improve their mastery of arms. Most fighters may not have magic, but they'll go toe-to-toe with any monster or challenger, fighting to the death for their friends.

  • Adventurer (KibblesTasty)
  • Arcane Archer (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Battlemaster (Player's Handbook)
  • Brawler (KibblesTasty)
  • Cavalier (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Champion (May use the improved version from KibblesTasty) (Player's Handbook) 
  • Chaplain (Tome of Heroes)
  • Crusader (KibblesTasty)
  • Eldritch Knight (Player's Handbook)
  • Griffon Knight (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Hospitaler (Book of the Righteous)
  • Legionary (Tome of Heroes)
  • Mammoth Hunter (Raider's Guide to Valika)
  • Psi Warrior (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Pugilist (Tome of Heroes)
  • Radiant Pikeman (Tome of Heroes)
  • Rune Knight (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything)
  • Samurai (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Shieldbearer (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Timeblade (Tome of Heroes)
  • Tunnel Watcher (Tome of Heroes)

Monk Subclasses 

Monks are train their bodies, minds, and spirits, seeking to bridge the gap and give them unity in purpose. They are deeply focused, trying themselves and testing their resolve. They are deeply spiritual beings, respecting the land and gods, but not necessarily religious, rather guided by their own personal beliefs on the world. They are also fierce fighters.

  • Ascendant Dragon (Fizban's Treasury of Dragons)
  • Astral Self (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Concordant Motion (Tome of Heroes)
  • Dragon (Tome of Heroes)
  • Drunken Master (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Four Elements (Player's Handbook)
  • Humble Elephant (Tome of Heroes)
  • Iron (Book of the Righteous)
  • Kensai (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Mercy (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Open Hand (Player's Handbook)
  • Shadow (Player's Handbook)
  • Still Waters (Tome of Heroes)
  • Sun Soul (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Tipsy Monkey (Tome of Heroes)
  • Unerring Arrow (Tome of Heroes)
  • Wildcat (Tome of Heroes)

Occultist Subclasses 

Spellcasters linked to occult powers of nature, occultists often derive their power from the natural or arcane magic of the world around them, but may also call upon otherworldly sources.

  • Witch
  • Hedge Mage
  • Oracle
  • Shaman

Paladin Subclasses

Paladins are oathbound warriors, usually a part of a holy order or an order of knights. They must chose a deity to serve who provides them their magic. Should they break their oaths they might transition their subclass to the Oathbreaker, or the Oath of Treachery.

  • Ancients (Player's Handbook)
  • Ascetic (Book of the Righteous)
  • Battle (Book of the Righteous)
  • Conquest (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Devotion (Player's Handbook)
  • Eagle (Book of the Righteous)
  • Elements (Tome of Heroes)
  • Glory (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Guardian (Tome of Heroes)
  • Hearth (Tome of Heroes)
  • Justice (Tome of Heroes)
  • Mercy (Book of the Righteous)
  • Oathbreaker (Dungeon Masters Guide)
  • Perfection (Book of the Righteous)
  • Purification (Spectre Creations)
  • Radiance (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Redemption (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Safeguarding (Tome of Heroes)
  • Sanity (KibblesTasty)
  • Silence (KibblesTasty)
  • Spelldrinker (Griffons Saddlebag)
  • Thunder (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Treachery (Unearthed Arcana)
  • Vengeance (Player's Handbook)
  • Watchers (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)

Pugilist Subclasses 

Pugilists face enemies with their fists and self determination. They break through barriers, battering down all foes. Some come from the mean streets, others trained in boxing and combat sports. Your pugilist could be the scion of a noble house that enjoys street fighting, or a former gang member, or any other background you can think of.

  • Arena Royale (Ultimate Adventurer’s Handbook)
  • Bloodhound Bruisers
  • Dog & Hound (Ultimate Adventurer’s Handbook)
  • Hand of Dread (Ultimate Adventurer’s Handbook)
  • Paradox Consortium (Ultimate Adventurer’s Handbook)
  • Piss & Vinegar (Ultimate Adventurer’s Handbook)
  • Relentless Revenant (Ultimate Adventurer’s Handbook)
  • Rift Hitter (Ultimate Adventurer’s Handbook)
  • Street Saint
  • Squared Circle
  • Sweet Science

Ranger Subclasses 

Rangers walk the frontiers and the deep forests. They find the way when the night is darkest. They track cold trails, slaying monsters out in the woods that lesser beings could never find much less kill. For the Ranger class, please make sure to add the additional class features available in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything.

  • Beastmaster (May use revised version from KibblesTasty) (Player's Handbook)
  • Beast Trainer (Tome of Heroes)
  • Bounty Hunter (KibblesTasty)
  • Drakewarden (Fizban's Treasury of Dragons)
  • Fey Wanderer (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Gloom Stalker (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Grove Warden (Tome of Heroes)
  • Haunted Warden (Tome of Heroes)
  • Horizon Walker (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Hunter (Player's Handbook)
  • Monster Slayer (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Snake Speaker (Tome of Heroes)
  • Swarmkeeper (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Vampire Slayer (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Wasteland Strider (Tome of Heroes)

Rogue Subclasses

Rogues are masters at sneaking. Some specialize in assassination or spying. Their talents enable them to get into tight spaces, and get out through their cunning or wits.

  • Agitator (somanyrobots)
  • Arcane Trickster (Player's Handbook)
  • Assassin (Player's Handbook)
  • Cat Burglar (Tome of Heroes)
  • Dawn Blade (Tome of Heroes)
  • Divine Hand (KibblesTasty)
  • Duelist (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Fixer (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Inquisitive (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Mastermind (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Phantom (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Sapper (Tome of Heroes)
  • Scout (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Smuggler (Tome of Heroes)
  • Soulknife (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Soulspy (Tome of Heroes)
  • Surgeon (KibblesTasty)
  • Thief (Player's Handbook)
  • Whisper (Midgard Heroes Handbook)

Sorcerer Subclasses 

Magic flows through the world and the beings in it. In some people this awakens latent magic talents that they must learn to control. More an art than the science of the wizards, at times this magic is released unpredictably.

  • Aberrant Mind (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Aether Heart (KibblesTasty)
  • Child of the Sun (MCDM - Arcadia 2)
  • Divine Soul (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Divine Inspiration (Book of the Righteous)
  • Draconic Bloodline (Player's Handbook)
  • Fey (KibblesTasty)
  • Fiendish (KibblesTasty)
  • Ghost-Touched (somanyrobots)
  • Hungering (Tome of Heroes)
  • Ironheart (somanyrobots)
  • Mazeborn (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Phoenix Spark (KibblesTasty)
  • Resonant Body (Tome of Heroes)
  • Rifthopper (Tome of Heroes)
  • Sea (KibblesTasty)
  • Shadow (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Spider-Blooded (somanyrobots)
  • Spore (Tome of Heroes)
  • Stoneheart (KibblesTasty)
  • Storm (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Titan Heart (MCDM - Arcadia 1)
  • Wastelander (Tome of Heroes)
  • Wicked Witch (MCDM - Arcadia 8)
  • Wild Magic (Player's Handbook)

Warlock Subclasses 

Warlocks come by their powers through a pact with a powerful being. You should work with your GM to determine details about your patron, and discuss the details of how you made this pact for your soul. Specific details will be revealed to you by the GM at a time they determine appropriate, probably dictated by the story.

  • Accursed Archive (Compendium of Forgotten Secrets)
  • Ancient Dragons (Tome of Heroes)
  • Animal Lords (Tome of Heroes)
  • Arcanist (Rain Junkie)
  • Archfey (Player's Handbook)
  • Celestial (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Compound (MCDM - Arcadia 9)
  • Conquering Host (Rain Junkie)
  • Dark Forest (Planegea)
  • Fathomless (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Fey (KibblesTasty)
  • Fiend (Player's Handbook)
  • Flesh (Sebastian Crowe’s Guide to Drakkenheim)
  • Genie (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Great Old One (Player's Handbook)
  • Great Tree (somanyrobots)
  • Hag (MCDM - Arcadia 8)
  • Hexblade (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  • Horned One (MCDM - Arcadia 2)
  • Hunter in Darkness (Tome of Heroes)
  • Knowledge Keeper (KibblesTasty)
  • Old Wood (Tome of Heroes)
  • Oracle (Book of the Righteous)
  • Overseer (KibblesTasty)
  • Primordial (Tome of Heroes)
  • Swindled (MCDM - Arcadia 9)
  • Tempest (KibblesTasty)
  • Unyielding Sun (somanyrobots)
  • Wyrdweaver (Tome of Heroes)

Warlord Subclasses 

Warlords are might leaders in combat, empowering their allies to push themselves farther and directing the battlefield. Warlords might be powerful knights soldiers, or self-taught masters of tactics. They make great leaders and politicians.

  • Commander
  • Chieftain
  • Dancer
  • Dreadlord
  • Noble
  • Packleader
  • Paragon
  • Tactician

Wizard Subclasses 

Wizards turn the arcane into a subject to be studied. They believe that with time one can learn and unravel most magical mysteries and thus are always searching for new spells and ways to improve their magic. Wizards are quite powerful as they grow in experience. They can come from almost any background but are unified by having received some form of magical training in the past. Some join arcane groups of wizards, while others take a path of religious devotion and become powerful heirophants.

  • Abjuration (Player's Handbook)
  • Angelic Scribe (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Astromancy (somanyrobots)
  • Bladesinging (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Cantrip Adept (Tome of Heroes)
  • Conjuration (Player's Handbook)
  • Courser Mage (Tome of Heroes)
  • Divination (Player's Handbook)
  • Dragon Masks (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Elementalist (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Enchantment (Player's Handbook)
  • Entropist (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Evocation (Player's Handbook)
  • Familiar Master (Tome of Heroes)
  • Ferromancy (somanyrobots)
  • Geomancy (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Gravebinding (Tome of Heroes)
  • Illumination (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Illusion (Player's Handbook)
  • Innovation (KibblesTasty)
  • Liminality (Tome of Heroes)
  • Pathology (KibblesTasty)
  • Ring Warden (Midgard Heroes Handbook)
  • Scribes (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything)
  • Spellsmith (Tome of Heroes)
  • Theurge (KibblesTasty)
  • Transmutation (Player's Handbook)
  • Wand Lore (Griffon's Saddlebag)
  • War (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)


All players will roll a d100 to determine their connection to each other player. 

Short & Long Term Personal Goals

Roll 1d6 twice per character to determine their short and long term goals. The players can modify the goals based on their own preferences.

Hedge Maze

Hedge Maze - by Faxfire

A place for political intrigue, ruthless assassinations, clandestine liaisons, and magical activity, the hedge maze is an mysterious place. Whether this hedge maze abuts the property of a wealthy noble, or is a magical maze stocked with terrible monsters by a wizard, it is a thrilling place to explore. Perhaps the explorers will even find the fountain with the statue at the center of the maze.

This map may or may not have been inspired by some late nights watching Bridgerton with my partner. For you gentle reader, this map might be an interesting locale in a game of political or social intrigue, or part of the domain of a great wizard, in which case it might be stocked with strange chimeras and magical accidents as guardians. Or maybe its merely the mischievous work of a local fey or hedge mage who relaxes in the shade near the beautiful fountain.

This map is free for your personal use, but it remains copyright to Faxfire.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Underground Hidden Sanctuary


Underground Hidden Sanctuary - by Faxfire

Hidden in the side of a hill is a natural cave with a pool of water fed by run off from the slopes above. Heavy, long-shut doors sit in the back wall, concealing the descent to a hidden shrine of an ancient deity. But hidden behind secret doors is the entrance to a larger underground chamber with a stone pagoda and multiple weathered statues of eldritch beings. Strange creatures fish the underground pools here, and aberrations ascend from the tunnel leading deeper underground to pay pilgrimage at the strange shrines here, unknown to any who visit the cave above.

One of the first maps I drew a little over a year ago, the story I came up with in my head that drove it was essentially that written above. If I had the opportunity to revise this map, I'd probably have at least one of the passages not be behind a secret door, to stop any potential bottlenecks. I've gotten pretty permissive with notice secret doors due to high passive perception in my own 5e games, but not everyone is as forgiving or desirous to further the plot as me.

This map is free for your personal use, but it remains copyright to Faxfire.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Krakovan Rebels Pregens

I recently ran an adventure integrating some players from one campaign in another group for a one-shot. This is set in the Blood Kingdom in Kobold Press’ Midgard setting. It should be pretty fun! It uses the Lair of the Night Cauldron dungeon I created.

I knew I’d need to make some pregen characters so I brainstormed the following:

Pregen Brainstorming:

Krakovan Rebel Background

Dawn Blade Rogue (TOH)

Variant Human

Retired Adventurer Background 

Variant Human

Battlemaster Fighter

Haunted Villager Background 

Variant Human

Chaplain Fighter (TOH)

Krakovan Rebel Background

Variant Human

Chieftains Presence

Grisal Paladin


Oath of the Hearth (TOH)

Grisal Paladin


Oath of Safeguarding (TOH)

Grisal veteran


Legionary Fighter (TOH)

Grisal Paragon Warlord (KibblesTasty)


Mercenary Company Scion Background 

Final Character Briefs:

-Bozhin Vilensky: Human divine blade rogue Krakovar rebel. A religious fanatic who dedicated himself to serving the sun god, Khors, after his wife and daughter were taken by the darakhul ghouls after the fall of his home nation of Krakovar. He bitterly hates the Blood Kingdom’s vampire rulers and their ghoul allies. He follows Mladen Kramar and will do anything to destroy servants of evil.

-Elya Gajov: Human Battlemaster Fighter. Spearmaiden of the war goddess Sif. Elya had retired before the invasion of Krakovar, but has since joined the resistance. She is coming on this raid to help forge an alliance with the dwarves of the Black Fortress against the Vampire ruler of the Southwestern Marches. She leads a small band of rebels who are currently camped out in the swamps of the Yoshtula river. You are judging whether to allow the dwarves of Grisal and the Black Fortress to ally and help lead the thirty soldier of your band.

-Mladen Kramar: A Krakovan Rebel Chieftain Warlord. A stalwart memeber of the Krakovan resistance, you are on this raid to judge whether partnership with the dwarves of Grisal is worth Krakovan lives. If it is successful your Queen-in-exile will allow sixty troops to work at the disposal of Jaro Whitebeard of the Black Fortress. You are to support the raid and note everything to report back to your commanders in the town of Kariessen.

Adventure Pitch to Regular Characters:

To set the stage a bit for tomorrow; since it's going to be structured as a one-shot I'll be railroading you into the adventure a bit. Next session we can go back and play through your interaction with Jaro Whitebeard at the Black Fortress, but for this one you will be conducting a raid against some cultists who are led by Lady Illmalad's dhampir son, Fane. Rolan is in Whitebeard's care, convalescing from his experience wirh the Blood Cauldron.

You are tasked to kill or capture Fane, while taking whatever action you can to degrade or destroy his cultists' operational capability, and gather whatever information you can on their activities. 

If you prove yourselves, Whitebeard intends to place you in command of 30 dwarven heavy infantry. He is sending you with other Krakovan resistance members (the other players). If you are successful these rebel forces will contribute up to 90 of their troops to you, providing you roughly one full strength company sized force to oppose Lady Illmalad and the Band of the Twice Damned in the Southwestern Marches region and defend Morrowdown.

Adventure Pitch to Joining Players:

For this mission, you will be conducting a raid against some cultists who are led by the vampire Lady Illmalad's dhampir son, Fane. 

You are tasked to kill or capture Fane, while taking whatever action you can to degrade or destroy his cultists' operational capability, and gather whatever information you can on their activities. 

Your characters will also evaluate the other PCs (the regular players) to decide whether your factions will contribute troops to a united company under their command to oppose Lady Illmalad. You know already that these heroes are reported to have cleansed the village of Morrowdown from an ancient fey evil, and rescued two paladins of the Black Fortress who were going to be sacrificed to their alien entity.

Empire of the Ghouls - Out of Zobeck

Spoilers for the adventure follow… After returning to kobold King Koto Crag-Claw’s palace with their prisoners and the rescued Rozalyn Turny...